Reform of the Irish Church

A church quartered?

Brendan Hoban in his weekly column in the Western People writes of a fragmented church in Ireland.
“The plain, simple and difficult truth is that the Catholic Church is very divided.”
“Pope Francis is trying to keep all sides going. And that’s what he has to do because, whatever camp we might place ourselves in, we’re all Catholics – albeit with different attitudes and perspectives “

Beyond “Viri Probati”

The problem of the shortage of priests is not new, nor is it confined to Europe.
TEAMS OF ELDERS: Moving Beyond “Viri Probati”, was published in 2007 by Bishop Fritz Lobinger.
We carry a review of his book by Michael Shackleton published in 2008 in “The Southern Cross”, South Africa’s Catholic Weekly.
Bishop Fritz Lobinger is the retired bishop of Aliwal, South Africa.
He has also expressed his opinions in the second article that we carry as published in U.S. Catholic.

An open letter to Pope Francis

As a result of the 2nd international meeting of priest associations and lay reform groups that recently took place in Limerick an open letter has been sent to Pope Francis.
“Pope Francis, we – priests and deacons, ministers and Church citizens, women and men – need you! We appeal to you to clear the way for new forms of parish life, their ministry and management. Let us open the priestly office to everyone who has the charism. Let us develop new management models and forms of pastoral ministry so that parishioners can participate according to their charisms. Let us establish a new culture of co-responsibility and joint decision-making in all structures of our Church. Let us remember how Jesus understood and lived community. God’s spirit compels us. Let us be courageous and tackle this together!”

Disaffection with Disconnection

Brendan Hoban in his most recent Western People column wonders when the limits to loyalty will reach breaking point for Irish Catholics. “The Catholic Church, as bishops and sometimes parish priests remind us, is not a democracy but if people are used to their opinions being taken seriously in every other walk of life, they tend to raise a collective eyebrow when the Catholic Church decides that decision-making is confined to a tiny elite.”

New Era – Last chance: Catholic Priests Associations and Reform Groups unite in International Conference in Limerick, Ireland

Press statement following international conference in Limerick, hosted by ACP, that brought together over 30 Catholic priests and church citizens from Ireland, Austria, Australia, Germany, India, Italy, Slovakia, Switzerland, the U.K. and the U.S.

Vatican asks for wide input on 2015 synod, not based on doctrine

Joshua J. McElwee, NCR’s Vatican correspondent, reports on the latest request from the Vatican in preparation for Synod 2015.
Will our bishops’ conference be better organised, and willing, this time in getting the views of ‘all levels’ of church in Ireland?

Homily of Archbishop of Tuam, Michael Neary, to the Association of Papal Knights

Michael Neary, Archbishop of Tuam, in a recent homily commented on ‘Evangelii Gaudium’, the recent apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis. He said that Pope Francis has called for a Church which ‘goes forth’, for a Church which as a spiritual home keeps its doors permanently open.
For this, he said, we need, more than anything else now, trained and committed personnel on the ground. Priests, of course, but also full and part time lay evangelists.

Stones still Standing

Chris McDonnell reflects on the recent synod.
“What’s changed?
We don’t deny the faith of earlier generations by asking that question”.
Chris is a retired head teacher having taught in London, Leeds and on Merseyside. Married with three children and eight grandchildren. He is a regular contributor to discussion in the catholic press, journals and blogs.

CDF, Edinburgh, Kasper, and the local Church.

Seamus Ahearne, as usual, asks the pertinent questions about what is essential in belonging to church.
‘I feel so embarrassed that such nonsense (banning and silencing) is still going on. Robust discussion is essential in our faith. Anselm said: ‘Theology is faith seeking understanding’

“If any of us are listening to the Christ of the Gospels in recent times – we would get something of these message: The Table is open. All comers are welcome. The outsiders are the insiders. The unlikely ones are the most acceptable ones. Never shut doors. Open hearts and open minds and open imaginations.”

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