Francis A. Quinn, the retired bishop of Sacramento, has an interesting article in The New York Times in preparation for Pope Francis’ visit to the U.S.A.
One of the topics he broaches is that of the ordination of women.
“Recent popes have said publicly that priesthood for women cannot be considered because the gospel and other documents state that Christ ordained men only.
Yet women have shown great qualities of leadership: strength, intelligence, prayerfulness, wisdom, practicality, sensitivity and knowledge of theology and sacred Scripture.
Might the teaching church one day, taking account of changing circumstances, be inspired by the Holy Spirit to study and reinterpret this biblical tradition?”
With so many retired bishops speaking out recently on topical issues it raises the question why they haven’t done so when in office. What prevents bishops from expressing such views when they hold office? Whatever it is, it most certainly is not healthy and is damaging the office of bishop and the universal church.
I have early memories of Tom giving us retreats while in St. Flannan’s College, Ennis. I remember telling him this when years later I met him and he was taken aback but such was the communicator he was.
I have great memories from the early 1980s of Tom Stack visiting Dan Breen (RIP) (Senior Curate/ six of us stationed in the one house) at the Presbytery in Mourne Road, Drimnagh and being invited into their rapturous company where there was lots of in-depth discussion, sharing of insights and so much fun and laughter. I felt there was a great providence meeting men like them.
I have a further round/ wave of memories from the 1990s of Tom Stack visiting John Ryan PP. RIP, Knocklong, Co. Limerick. John kept an open kitchen where people gathered around the table and so Tom had a full audience and he always rose to the occasion. I particularly remembering him doing jigs and singing a few Limerick songs. Glad he got to see Limerick win another All Ireland. Tom loved to party and celebrate life. Both John & Tom had a great repertoire of stories. I feel blessed and uplifted to have known such broad minded free spirited priests. They are stars that burn brightly for me.