‘Fratelli Tutti’ – Four Theologians Take a Deeper Look…

America Magazine reports the following:

(AM) Editor’s note: As part of our larger coverage of “Fratelli Tutti,” the latest encyclical letter from Pope Francis, America asked a number of theologians and church experts to contribute a brief response, including their perspectives on its potential impact and its particular areas of import.

A Call to Discern the Depths of Our Politics

With the release of every encyclical, there is a rush to assess what is new and noteworthy, to find the most media-worthy and tweetable lines. There are plenty of these in “Fratelli Tutti”: forceful critiques of the divisive effects of capitalism and technology, an unambiguous magisterial rejection of the death penalty and what is perhaps the church’s most sustained denunciation of nationalism and populism since “Mit Brennender Sorge” in 1937. But focusing on those passages that stand out can lead one to miss the work of the whole.


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One Comment

  1. Anthony McMahon says:

    Sad but where we are in 2020. Not many of the ‘Fratelli’ of this blog will ever read this document launched in an empty Assisi at the height of a world wide pandemic.. What is this saying?

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