He is Risen!
Happy Easter!
The One
Green, blue, yellow and red-
God is down in the swamps and marshes
Sensational as April and almost incred-
ible the flowering of our catharsis.
A humble scene in a backward place
Where no one important ever looked
The raving flowers looked up in the face
Of the One and the Endless, the Mind that has baulked
The profoundest of mortals. A primrose, a violet,
A violent wild iris – but mostly anonymous performers
Yet an important occasion as the Muse at her toilet
Prepared to inform the local farmers
That beautiful, beautiful, beautiful God
Was breathing His love by a cut-away bog.
Patrick Kavanagh 1904 -1967
EASTER HYMN – Cavalleria Rusticana – Lesley Garret
The Vatican knows that no one uses Eucharistic Prayer I (the Roman Canon) any more because of the abject English translation, which replaced an excellent one. To make sure it does not disappear entirely they have arranged it so that in the Mass for Holy Thursday you glide into a version of EP I tailored for the day. The celebrant flounders in embarrassment through the morass all the way to the end of the Canon (with its massacre of the Per ipsum et in ipso).
And then the Easter Prefaces inflict their disheartening infelicities throughout the whole season: Vere dignum et iustum est, aequum et salutare ((right and just, our duty and our salvation): Te quidem, Domine, omni tempore confiteri (to acclaim you), sed in hac potissimum die gloriosius praedicare (to laud you yet more gloriously)…. Quapropter, profusis paschalibus gaudiis (overcome with paschal joy), totus in orbe terrarum mundus exsultat. Sed et supernae virtutes (even [!] the heavenly Powers) atque angelicae potestates hymnum gloriae tuae concinunt, sine fine dicentes (as they acclaim): Sanctus. “Acclaim” is a word used meaninglessly as is “mysteries” sinking the Easter message in fudge. I suspect that people are running to the Traditional Latin Mass in recent years in reaction to this soulless translation.
It is disheartening that atheists now have missionary zeal while the zeal to proclaim the “living hope” (1 Peter 1:3) in the Resurrection is in short supply. But the nemesis of unbelief is the internet bilge which even avowed sceptics lap up: https://snhelton.blog/2022/04/25/why-did-jesus-fold-the-cloth-the-myth-of-the-napkin-in-the-tomb/?fbclid=IwAR0YkrQK_tkBMGB8k6rjPHDJ8g1PBjF3ffeGSWx9wehEv4aYm5cxe2X5jDI_aem_AepaY2_w7VTgqjoraSRfUfzlA1CezsVhuBU0-wnOrZm8b9zKTme03w12iq9eAXtNNMv7M4L1R7m_aNVEWPUAiqL5#comment-4966