Shortcuts to Liturgy Resources provided
Those seeking Bidding Prayers or Homily resources for weekend masses should look under the LITURGY tab (top of page), or in the LITURGY section in the sidebar to the right of this page….
Those seeking Bidding Prayers or Homily resources for weekend masses should look under the LITURGY tab (top of page), or in the LITURGY section in the sidebar to the right of this page….
The 40-day pilgrimage to Easter that began on Ash Wednesday is just a few days old. We pray that God, who sustained Jesus in his 40 days of temptations and suffering, will support us on our journey also.
God’s love is displayed for us in the life and death of Jesus. We rejoice in this love, and celebrate the victory over sin and death won for us. As a community, we praise God’s holy name.
Today we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord: it’s the last day of the Christmas season.
The baptism of Jesus marked the end of his quiet years in Nazareth and the start of his public ministry.
Opening Comment As we continue to celebrate Lent, it’s important that we keep the goal of our journey before us. The gospel of the transfiguration is read on this Lenten…
Christians are called together by the Spirit of God on this and every Sunday, to celebrate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. The Spirit teaches us to pray, and moves us to glorify the Lord’s name.
‘Growing in Faith’ is suggested as the theme for this year’s Mission Sunday, as the Year of Faith draws to a close. These words remind us that faith is God’s precious gift — a gift we can’t keep to ourselves.
The Bidding Prayers have never been easy to find on this site, so any improvement to access is to be welcomed. Even tonight, I still cannot find them for this Sunday, Palm Sunday. Readers may be aware that Bidding Prayers or Prayer of the Faithful is available for each Sunday and Holyday on the Association of Catholics in Ireland website, generally just before noon on the previous Friday.
Des Gilroy.
Sorry that you find it difficult to find the resources you are looking for.
All matters concerning the liturgy are to be found by clicking on the Liturgy tab at the top of the Home Page.
This brings you to the Homily and Liturgy resources, by Bernard Cotter and Patrick Rogers, where you can choose from one of three options;
Sunday Homily Resources Summary of the readings, some homily samples and the readings in full (NRSV). Prepared by Fr Patrick Rogers.
Weekday Homily Resources Headings for the readings, with a reflection on them; plus the readings in full (NRSV). Prepared by Fr Patrick Rogers.
Liturgy Preparation A one-page resource for the presider at Sunday Mass to print out and use (includes an introduction, penitential rite text, a one-sentence introduction to each reading, sample intercessions, liturgy suggestions and songs). Topical intercessions added close to the weekend. Prepared by Fr Bernard Cotter
Great credit must be given to Pat Rogers and Bernard Cotter who so freely give of their time, efforts and talents to prepare the liturgy section of the web site for us.