
Pentecost Sunday – bidding prayers etc

Opening Comment (Mass During the Day)

Today is Pentecost Sunday, the second climax of the Easter season. We celebrate ‘the great beginning of the Church’, the day the Holy Spirit first came to confused and frightened disciples. Penitential rite: As we gather for this great celebration, we remember our need of the Spirit’s help in our weakness: (pause) You raise the dead to life in the Spirit … You bring pardon and peace to the sinner … You bring light to those in darkness: Lord, have mercy.


Introduction to the Scripture Readings

Acts 2:1-11 — Pentecost is described. People from different nations hear the same Good News, as the Spirit brings unity.

Galatians 5:16-25 — The effects of self-indulgence are compared with what the Spirit brings. (SEQUENCE — The sequence, which may be read after the Second Reading, is a poetic prayer addressed to the Holy Spirit.)

John 15:26-27, 16:12-15 — The Spirit who will lead believers to complete truth is promised by Jesus.



Introduction (by the Presider) Aware of the Spirit at work in us, we bring our prayers to the Father.

  1. For those touched by the Spirit through Baptism and Confirmation, that they may always allow God’s Power to work through them (Pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.
  2. For a world plagued by hunger, war and destruction, that the Spirit may renew the face of the earth (Pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.
  3. For those preparing for and sitting exams, that the Holy Spirit may bring wisdom and courage, particularly in moments of fear (Pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.
  4. For all who gather here, as we celebrate the Spirit’s coming, that, throughout the year to come, our faith may be firm, our hope sure and our love without end (Pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.
  5. For those we have lost to death (especially N & N), that the Spirit may awaken them to life without end (Pause for silent prayer). Lord, hear us.

Conclusion (by the Presider) Lord God, how great you are, how many are your works! Let your Spirit guide your people, to strengthen them in every need, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Liturgical Suggestions. Vigil Mass: Celebrate the Vigil of Pentecost. Mass prayers in Missal: extended form 315 to 318, simple form page 319. Readings for extended form in Lectionary Volume I. Mass During the Day is described above (prayers page 321). Penitential Act IV. Some verses from the Sequence (after the Second Reading) may be read by a few readers, or the whole prayer may be sung. Preface of Pentecost, page 440. Eucharistic Prayer 1 (with special insertion for Pentecost). Solemn Blessing 8 (The Holy Spirit, page 552). The double Alleluia is added to the dismissal formula to mark the end of the Easter season. After Mass, the Easter candle is removed from the altar area to the baptismal font. Songs ‘Veni Sancte Spiritus’ (Taizé) or ‘Veni Creator’; ‘Spirit of the Living God’; ‘Send Forth Your Spirit O Lord’.

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