
Opinion Poll on religious attitudes in Ireland out soon

On Thursday April 12th, the ACP will be holding a press conference at 10.00am in Buswell’s Hotel to present the findings of our major opinion poll on religious attitudes in Ireland.  It has many very interesting facts to reveal about the attitudes and beliefs of the ordinary Irish catholics.
Note change of Date:   Now taking place on Thursday, April 12th

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  1. Tom Hayes says:

    “ordinary Irish catholics”?

  2. As opposed to extraordinary catholics.

  3. Eddie Finnegan says:

    No, ordinary locals’ beliefs as opposed to Local Ordinaries’ attitudes.

  4. The local ordinary is the bishop aka a successor of the Apostles. They don’t claim to speak for the beliefs of all Catholics, they simply present and hand on the faith of the Apostles. We can gather with them or we can scatter. Cardnal George of America made this point recently.
    ”Perhaps this is the time for everyone to re-read the Acts of the Apostles. Bishops are the successors of the apostles; they collectively receive the authority to teach and govern that Christ bestowed upon the apostles. Bishops don’t claim to speak for every baptized Catholic. Bishops speak, rather, for the Catholic and apostolic faith. Those who hold that faith gather with them; others go their own way. They are and should be free to do so, but they deceive themselves and others in calling their organizations Catholic. ”

  5. Joe O'Leary says:

    Cardinal George is not fighting with the Catholic laity about the apostolic faith, but about disputed questions, largely connected with episcopal intervention in politics.

  6. Eddie Finnegan says:

    Martin, it’s a very old Maynooth joke. It does not pretend to sum up my relationship with my bishop or with all the successors of the Apostles and nor, I hope, does it portray me as a scatterer rather than a gatherer.

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