Year: 2018

The Fragile Face of Dignity

Chris McDonnell, writing in the Catholic Times, states what should be obvious to all; “Renewal and repair is not only a clerical task, for clericalism has been one of the deep seated roots from which have grown our present dysfunctional state. The laity must willingly accept the burden of reformation, bringing their skills, talents and experience to the service of faith. And they must be listened to, not brushed aside as an inconvenient irritant as has so often been the case. Parish councils, Diocesan councils are not an optional feature but play an essential part of our journey, they facilitate meaningful exchange.”

Book Review: Priesthood Imprisoned: A crisis for the Church. 

Tim Hazelwood reviews John E. Ryan’s ‘Priesthood imprisoned: A crisis for the Church.’
Tim says of it “we experience an insider’s look and honest appraisal of priesthood that greatly adds to this book’s authenticity and attraction.”

Tim’s review first appeared in the The Furrow, June 2018. With thanks to the Furrow and to Tim.

The Regulation of Episcopal Conferences since Vatican II

Joe O Leary commented that “The whittling away of the theological status of episcopal conferences right through John Paul II’s pontificate has a kind of blueprint in Joseph Ratzinger’s 1982 book, Theologische Prinzipienlehre [Principles of Catholic Theology,1987]. It is dismal reading and unveils a full-length portrait of the conservative theologian that he had become.”
Joe kindly makes available an article that Massimo Faggioli wrote in the Japan Mission Journal in 2004:

Ireland’s Care for Our Common Home

Sean McDonagh, Columban priest and president of An Taisce, reminds us that in his ‘On Care for Our Common Home’ Pope Francis asserted that “Christians realise that their responsibility within creation and their duty towards nature and the Creator, are an essential part of their faith.”
Sean says that “If our care of the environment is judged by our commitment to vision outlined in Laudato Si’ Ireland is not doing well at all. “

Erring Shepherds

Aidan Hart, in this article from the Association of Catholics in Ireland website, not only provides a catalogue of the abuse of minors that has led to the Church losing ‘much of its moral leadership around the world, particularly among younger Catholics in the northern hemisphere.’ but says ‘Lay people must be given back effective ownership of their Church, in which they will work, in word and action and partnership with clergy, guided by the Holy Spirit and a deep knowledge of Sacred Scripture and strengthened divine Eucharist – to help bring about on earth God’s Kingdom of unconditional love and mercy for all human kind and all of nature.’

A Suffering Church

Chris McDonnell writing in the Catholic Times comments on the ongoing crisis about abuse; “We cannot avoid the downpour of critical comment that now surrounds us. It is only through our sincere and humble action that we can begin the re-establishment of the credibility of the Christian message.
It will demand a re-examination of structures and disciplines that may have led us down this broken path.”

RTE’s Coverage of Church and Faith Matters

Finian Connaughton expresses his opinions about the recent coverage by Ireland’s national broadcaster, RTE, of the World Meeting of Families and the visit of Pope Francis. He hopes to start a debate about RTE’s coverage of church related matters and if it is balanced. He says “Are we priests happy to see our profession, vocation, however we name what we do, ridiculed day after day and say nothing about it? 
Our silence is deafening and dangerous.”

A Very Catholic Coup?

The issuing of his 11 page letter by former nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano raises many questions; as many about his own motives as about what he alleges.
Two articles, one in the National Catholic Reporter and the other in The Washington Post attempt to fill in the background to the issuing of the letter and the influence that conservative catholic media organisations played.

The Washington Post article says “news this week that Catholic journalists were involved in editing and distributing a Vatican diplomat’s explosive and largely unverified letter calling for the pope’s resignation reveals an influential and tightly knit conservative Catholic digital media network that’s been particularly active during the tenure of its nemesis, Pope Francis.”
The article offers two ways to view these journalists;
quoting a ‘conservative lay leader’ who says ““This whole episode seems like total Fake News … The allegations of sexual abuse coverup “have to be investigated, wherever they lead. But the way this came out, it really struck me: ‘They’re really out to get Francis.’ ”
and from ‘one commentator in the conservative Catholic media sphere’;
“They’re not trying to be objective,” the person said. “They are trying to evangelize; they’re trying to spread the good news, spread the message as they understand it. They are activists.”

Cui bono? Who benefits?

A Pastor for his People – Raymond Hunthausen

Chris McDonnell  wrote recently in the Catholic Times,  August 24th  2018, about the the late Raymond Hunthausen, retired Archbishop of Seattle.
“At a time when a number of those to whom the Church has given responsibility of leadership  have fallen short of expectations, it is worth while pausing a moment and reflecting on the life of an outstanding man, who in spite of his being called to the Lord remains with us in example and deed. He was truly a man of the Beatitudes, who saw Christ in those about him and was himself Christ to those who were in need.”

Left over thoughts!

Seamus Ahearne jots down some thoughts on recent WMOF and associated Papal visit events and wonders how St. Augustine might have responded!
“If the energy put into staging this event could be tapped for the ordinary life of God among us we would really do damage with the graciousness of our Godliness.   It is still a wonderful world.  Our God reigns! “

Lighting up the Darkness – The Week that Was

Jo O’Sullivan writes of her experience of the WMOF and the Papal Visit; “deep in our souls the pain of centuries of oppression is still there. And now our pain has been inflicted by the very source that comforted our forebears through their agonies. Is it any wonder so many of us can’t move beyond that sense of betrayal?”
Francis “keeps asking us to pray for him. I do. And I also pray for us. We need and deserve an Institutional church which reflects real Christianity – that church which rallied around the homeless who gathered at the GPO on Sunday night.”

Speeches by An Taoiseach, Mr Leo Varadkar and Pope Francis In Dublin Castle

Speeches by An Taoiseach, Mr Leo Varadkar and Pope Francis In Dublin Castle.

An Taoiseach; “Holy Father, I believe that the time has now come for us to build a new relationship between church and state in Ireland – a new covenant for the 21st Century. It is my hope that your visit marks the opening of a new chapter in the relationship between Ireland and the Catholic Church.
Building on our intertwined history, and learning from our shared mistakes, it can be one in which religion is no longer at the centre of our society, but in which it still has an important place.”

Pope Francis; “It is my prayer that Ireland, in listening to the polyphony of contemporary political and social discussion, will not be forgetful of the powerful strains of the Christian message that have sustained it in the past, and can continue to do so in the future.”

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