Year: 2023

Séamus Ahearne: ‘And still they gazed, and still the wonder grew, that one small head could carry all he knew.’ (Goldsmith)(And Indi’s back!)

The young ones: Jacinda Ardern is resigning as PM New Zealand and as leader of the Labour Party. Her explanation is: ‘There was nothing left in the tank. There is…

Root and Branch Zoom: Archbishop Scicluna, Thurs 19 Jan 7.00pm

TOWARDS A BEATITUDINAL CHURCH Thursday 19th Jan,19.00 London time R&B DIY are delighted to welcome Archbishop Scicluna. Link to register: Charles Scicluna, Metropolitan Archbishop of Malta, is essentially “the church’s top…

Séamus Ahearne: “What has happened is that a certain kind of God has gone absent, leaving open the possibility of experiencing God in a new way.”      

(Paul Graham osa, The Furrow, November, whose Month’s Mind was yesterday.) A little thought on George Pell and Francis: “George Pell’s death symbolises the demise of a Church out of…

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