
Doctrinal Authority in the Francis Era

Richard R. Gaillardetz writes in commonweal magazine about the issue of doctrinal authority and Pope Francis.
“Pope Francis is refashioning the exercise of doctrinal teaching authority in the church. There should be no question of the pope’s fidelity to church teaching; by any account Francis must be considered a doctrinal conservative. Many Catholics, on the left and the right, by thinking of the magisterium in a largely juridical key, focus far too much on the pope’s authority to officially pronounce on doctrinal matters”.

Eucharistic starvation and the need for priests

Brian Eyre, writing in the context of a recent hospital visit, says that it’s time the needs of the people to have access to the Eucharist were put before other considerations. He quotes Bishop Emeritus William McManus from 1989 when he said to the US conference of bishops “Are we prepared to make a value judgement that it is better to have priestless Sundays than to ordain married men or women?”

Gaudete! … Rejoice!

Angela Hanley shares her experience of the 18th Annual LGBT Christmas Carol Service, that she says ” turned out to be the spiritual event of the year for me.”

“As I sat there I thought: ‘Surely, this is all part of the meaning and mystery of the Incarnation? That God became human unconditionally. To be LGBT is also to be wholly graced by God who became incarnate for all humanity, not just a select few, to show us by words and example how to be properly human.’ “

“I felt warmth, welcome, acceptance, joy, a deep sense of the presence of God and the powerful sense of community – not a gathering of individuals who happen to be in the same place because of a common belief – but a real, joyful sense of community. In other words, it truly was ekklesia in its fullest sense.”

Councils of Priests – are they relevant?

Tim Hazelwood, reflecting on his own experiences, questions the role and function of the ‘Council of Priests’ in dioceses.
Tim feels this is of particular relevance in light of the letter from the bishops to the ACP following a meeting last May.
Tim says that ‘My experience is that the Council of Priests does not want to deal with the concerns of priests…… For diocesan priests the council is irrelevant in our lives. We get on with it as best we can as the work and weight of expectation grows, dreading the next edict to come from the council or the diocesan office to add to our busy work schedule.’

Face Reality or opt for False Clarity

Michael O’Loughlin writing in quotes Archbishop Mark Coleridge of Brisbane as saying “At times at the synod I heard voices that sounded very clear and certain but only because they never grappled with the real question or never dealt with the real facts”.
“So there’s a false clarity that comes because you don’t address reality, and there’s a false certainty that can come for the same reason.”
The pope, he said, is “bringing out into the very public setting of the papacy what any pastor does in his parish or diocese.”
Ultimately, individual believers have to discern where God is at work in their own lives—a process that doesn’t always lend itself to simple yes or no answers.

What ever happened to the Easter People?

Chris McDonnell writing in the Catholic Times UK reminds us that “If the Church has problems then people, all of us who are the Church, have a contribution to make at both parish and diocesan level. Those who participate in finding solutions after carefully exploring the issues are far more likely to accept and implement the resultant conclusion’ . However time is short and
“inspiration for dialogue and renewal has come from informal groups of laity who in their own time and through their own initiative have asked the questions, sought answers and attempted discussion with our priests and bishops in good faith. Mostly, to no avail.”

Christmas – An Open Door or even a Half-Door

Seamus Ahearne reflects on Christmas.
“All of us can go there -To heaven and heaven is very close. It is when we let the fresh air of God into our minds, hearts and imaginations and don’t stop learning, listening and loitering. Dark minds, dull hearts, dreary imaginations make no room for open doors. An Open door – happens when we let a baby, (the helplessness and mystery of a baby), tell us, how God relies on us and needs us. (Christmas).”

We’re not ready to meet the Pope

Brendan Hoban in his Western People column questions if we’re ready to hear the message of our Papal visitor.
… “the sad and difficult truth is that we’re not ready in Ireland for the man from the pampas of Argentina or the message of mercy and compassion that reflects the gospel Jesus preached…”
“The terrible tragedy is that we won’t listen because we can’t hear what Pope Francis is saying or accept the direction in which he’s pointing the Church.
The sad truth is that while a defensive Church is up to its neck in denial, our people will have their tongues out for the message Francis brings and the promise he represents ­ wishing it, willing it and wanting it.”

Doubting or dissenting Cardinals?

Michael Sean Winters writes in the National Catholic Reporter about the fact that “Cardinals Brandmüller, Burke, Caffarra and Meisner decided to publish their letter …….. openly challenging the pope to clarify parts of Amoris Laetitia that they find to be a source of confusion.”
He concludes with the strong opinion that ‘to publicly voice doubts about the magisterial teaching of the church is not something a cardinal should be doing or, if he does, he should have the decency to include his red hat with the submission of his dubia.”

On-going media coverage of our AGM

Sarah Mac Donald reports on our recent AGM in the National Catholic Reporter.
The stark, and all too real, picture painted by Brendan Hoban is extensively quoted. We can only hope that this article and other media coverage will encourage all to conduct ‘a reasonable conversation’ and consider the “right to consideration, acknowledgement, support, encouragement and, above all, respect,” that priests are entitled to.
Brendan is further quoted; “Priests who have served the church for so long deserve no less and it’s time to start a reasonable conversation about this.”

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