A glimpse of the past fifty years with the Augustinians!
Seamus Ahearne in his unique style shares his reflections on his fifty years with the Augustinians. Seamus, as usual, challenges us with his experience and wisdom.
Ad multos annos.
Seamus Ahearne in his unique style shares his reflections on his fifty years with the Augustinians. Seamus, as usual, challenges us with his experience and wisdom.
Ad multos annos.
Brendan Hoban in his weekly Western People column states that history, while recognising the failures and limitations of a minority of Irish nuns, will eventually laud the extraordinary contribution nuns have made to Irish life. ‘
The self-less service given by thousands of nuns should not be air-brushed from the national memory. They deserve more than that.
The Association of Catholic Priests will hold its AGM at Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone
on October 1 from 2.00pm to 5.00pm.
This year the theme is: The vocations crisis: will ‘clustering’ work?
This Sunday’s worship brings us into the presence of the God whose mystery we can never comprehend. All we have comes from the Lord, and we can only bow down in awe, and bring forward the praise that is due to the Almighty.
Thanks to Eugene Kennedy for providing this account of a study day organised by the Catholic Theological Society of Great Britain, with invited speakers, including both Roman Catholics and Anglicans, in Spring 2012 dealing with issues arising from the revised English of the Roman Missal.
In a recent Tablet article Chris McDonnell, secretary of the Movement for Married Clergy, argued that sincere discussion should be welcomed by both the hierarchy and the laity, for the good of the Church.
Have we some keys to the discussion at Caesarea Philippi?
Pádraig McCarthy
An Invitation to come to Rome 02 – 05 October 2014 to ensure that families are recognized, included, and listened to by the Bishops attending the Synod in Rome.
Brendan Hoban tells us in his Western People column that bishop of Rome “Francis is 78, and might be dismissed as ‘an ageing, disillusioned priest’ – but he knows the score. I would argue that Francis and the ACP are singing out of the same hymn-sheet, even if others seem determined to drown out our voices.”
Everyone is welcome in God’s house, everyone who loves God’s name. We gather to experience the warmth of this embrace.
It is usually only a deep personal crisis of some kind that can – through heartfelt prayer – shake us free of the delusion that our value depends upon what others think of us
On the feast of the Assumption, Catholics worship God who brought Mary to the glory of heaven this day. Celebrate her Assumption is a tangible reminder that the resurrection of Jesus brings victory over death for all who believe.
Brian Eyre, catholic married priest, Recife, Brazil, asks is it more important to demand that the Eucharist can only be celebrated by celibate priests or that it be made available to people frequently by allowing celibate or married priests celebrate it.
We gather to celebrate our beautiful God, who was revealed to Elijah as a gentle breeze and who calmed the storm on the lake. We are grateful that this God takes our fears away and gives rest to our souls.
How can we respond to violence?
Launch of Mary T. Malone’s new book (published by Columba Press) by Gina Menzies
We appeal to the Irish Bishops to add their voice to the growing
chorus now accepting the need for a married as well as a celibate priesthood
in our Church.
Nathan Chase has posted an article in praytellblog.com commenting on a recent circular letter, dealing with the “sign of peace” at Mass, from The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.
In light of the many crises facing the church would it be fair to apply the old cliche about deck chairs being moved on the Titanic to this circular letter?
Pope Francis has lifted the suspension of Maryknoll Fr. Miguel D’Escoto Brockmann, who was ordered 29 years ago to stop exercising his priestly ministry because he refused to give up his political position in Nicaragua’s Sandinista government.
Great wonders are proclaimed in today’s Liturgy. God’s love and God’s care for humanity are made manifest.
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