Meuller confronts the US nuns. How can we interpret this? Are we back to the pre-Francis days? Or is he throwing down the gauntlet to Francis? Whatever, it is a disturbing development, and will be a test of Francis.
During the Easter season the Church continues to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Today, we join together to worship God, who has brought about this great victory over sin and death.
The discussion concerning the possibility of having married priests seems to be gaining ‘traction’ in some episcopal circles. David Gibson outlines recent developments in an article in the National Catholic Reporter
With a total Catholic population in Ireland of 4,635,178, there are 2050 priests active. This means that, on average, there is one priest for every 2,261.06 Catholics.
Pádraig McCarthy
Brendan Hoban in his Western people column says that Turner’s infamous cartoon in the Irish Times may help the progressively disenchanted Catholic clergy to find their own voice, to stand up for themselves, especially when no one else seems ready to accept that poisoned chalice.
The Association of Catholic Priests (ACP) welcomes reports emanating from Rome that all restrictions have been lifted from Marist priest, Fr Sean Fagan.
With the forthcoming canonisations of two Popes, John XXIII and John Paul II, is it time to look again at the purpose saints are meant to serve. Is the whole process of ‘canonisation’ in need of radical overhaul?
In rejecting a version of Catholicism that diminished human freedom, led to outrageous scandal and that in retrospect is now seen to have diminished people and Church, Irish society seems intent on categorising religion and spirituality as unacceptable, irrelevant, even dangerous in a civilised society.
The leadership of the ACP protests in the strongest possible terms at a cartoon in the Irish Times that they perceive to be gratuitously insulting to Irish Catholic priests
Today’s liturgy gives us a preview of the events we will celebrate in the Easter Triduum later this week. The passion, death and resurrection of Jesus are the focus of this and every Sunday celebration.
“The Pope explained that he could not take everything in hand personally from Rome. We local bishops, who are best acquainted with the needs of our faithful, should be corajudos, that is ‘courageous’ in Spanish, and make concrete suggestions,”
It would be difficult for us to continue operating normally without using banking services. Do we, or should we, have an ethical issue with the banking services we use as individuals and as a church?
Padraig McCarthy
In just over ten days time, the Easter Triduum will begin, on Holy Thursday evening. The time when baptism is celebrated is now very close. We ask God’s help for all the adults and children preparing for baptism this Easter, and pray that we may be fit and ready to renew our baptismal vows at the same feast.
This article was first published in the book “Priesthood Today”, edited by Eamonn Conway. Brendan O’Rourke is a Redemptorist priest and psychotherapist. It is published here with the consent of the author.