Brendan Hoban believes that if the Church doesn’t soon reform Confession it will end up with one six sacraments instead of seven. He suggests that Rite Three be more generally available (first published in the Western People).
The Lord gathers us in to his loving embrace, the Lord who invites us not to worry about tomorrow. Setting our hearts on his kingdom, we entrust all our tomorrows to him and ask him to help us live for this, his day
Gay Catholic Voice Ireland announce a seminar for gay Catholics to be held in Dublin in April, which takes its inspiration from Pope Francis’ words on the plane from Rio: “Who am I to judge?”
Seamus Ahearne osa describes a dialogue that happened during Mass after the Gospel of Mark (10:1-12) was read last Friday morning
Eugene Cullen Kennedy argues that the sex abuse scrisis can be traced back to the hierarchicalmodel of the Church promoted by the Council of Trent (first published in the National Catholic Reporter on 20 February 2014: read the original article here).
The ACP Leadership Team recommends the latest edition of the Irish Jesuits’ magazine Studies, which is entirely taken up with the Murpny Report into abuse in Dublin diocese (
Seamus Ahearne osa shares reflections from his early-morning walk in the Tolka Valley Park in Dublin, where he exercises daily, planning the day, praying and sorting things out. Problems with the new Missal came to mind as he walked, and creative solutions appeared also,
The ACP Leadership Team report on their meeting with representatives of ACP members in Irish dioceses on 25 February
Tony Flannery announces the schedule of talks being given by him for the next month or so, as part of his speaking tour
Loving the enemy and praying for those who make life difficult are two marks of a Christian, as Jesus teaches us today. We gather, aware of how difficult love can be, yet united by the saving mercy of God, on which we rely.
Michael W. Higgins comments on the Vatican’s discouragement of the publication of the Synod survey results and fears Pope Francis may be losing his nerve (first pubished in the Globe and Mail, Toronto on 20 February 2014).
Tony Flannery reports that a letter has been sent to Pope Francis on behalf of reform movements in many countries, the ACP included.
Brendan Hoban is saddened at the Iona Institute’s rush to the lawyers on being called ‘homophobic’, and contrasts it with the Institute’s earlier comments on the ACP, which did not lead to a legal remedy being sought (first published in the Western People).
Pádraig McCarthy presents the Catholic bishops of Japan’s description of their particular situation in their responses to the Synod survey.
The Gospel of Christ is challenging. Today’s readings ask for decisions, while encouraging us to choose the right path. We gather to worship God, who can help us in all our choices.
The ACP Leadership Team announces a meeting between them and representatives of each diocese on Tuesday, February 25th at 2.30pm in the Hodson Bay Hotel.
Padraig McCarthy reports Pope Francis’ words to engaged couples on St Valentine’s Day. (The talk was in Italian and was published on the Vatican website: this is an unofficial translation.)
The ACP Leadership Team believes the Irish Bishops’ decision not to publish the results of the Synod Survey runs contrary to the spirit of openness being promoted by Pope Francis. (Contact details of Leadership Team are here)
Frank Gregg reacts to an EWTN discussion on Sister Faustina and asks how the loving God could have made the hell they discussed
Eddie Finnegan reflects on the recent launch of the Irish Confraternity of Catholic Clergy and, in his inimitable tongue-in-cheek style, considers the prospects for success of two movements of Irish clergy.
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