Séamus Ahearne on flower power, Word power and Indi power…
Rhododendrons, Bluebells and Dandelions A carpet of bluebells: A text came from M. She announced that her bluebells had appeared. I was nostalgic. My past loomed large. The carpet of…
Rhododendrons, Bluebells and Dandelions A carpet of bluebells: A text came from M. She announced that her bluebells had appeared. I was nostalgic. My past loomed large. The carpet of…
Scottish Laity Network Conversation with Elizabeth Simcoe Thursday 29th April 7.00 – 8.30 pm Elizabeth Simcoe is currently the parish life director (lay leader according to Canon 517) for…
Sinéad Hussey of RTÉ reports: The Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All-Ireland is seeking a meeting with the Minister for Health over a “draconian” move to outlaw public mass…
During the Easter season the Church continues to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, even in these pandemic days. Today, we join together to worship God, who has brought about the great victory over sin and death in which we hope.
The Instrumentum Laboris (IL) or Working Document is the latest product of the Preparatory Stage for the 5th Plenary Council of the Catholic Church in Australia, convened to address the…
Christine Schenk writes in the National Catholic Reporter online: My ears perked up last week when I learned that Pope Francis had authorized a “visitation” at the Congregation for Divine…
VATICAN HOMOPHOBIA / PATRIARCHAL ABUSE PART 1 This is the first of two essays in response to the recent Decree by GOD stating that it is impossible to bless sin….
The financial cost of a year of empty churches Western People 13th April 2021 We’re warned that, after COVID, we won’t be returning to ‘normal’. That there won’t be ‘a…
Far East magazine Book Review: Robots, Ethics and the Future of Jobs Columban missionary Fr Seán McDonagh is renowned for his leadership on climate change and care for the earth….
Cainneac Ó Brádaigh has forwarded an interesting article by Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service, published by CatholicPhilly.com Full article printed below. Link: https://catholicphilly.com/2021/04/news/world-news/transparency-on-sex-abuse-still-needed-church-experts-say/ ROME — To help foster a wider discussion…
ACP will host a Zoom presentation with James Alison on Tues 27th April at 7.00pm. Meeting ID and Passcode will be provided nearer the date. James Alison is a Catholic…
Zoom Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81459650736?pwd=YVYzMkhkUEg0dmt3aDJoSElvRGFDQT09#success
The Greening of Life The Tolka Tony got to the Tolka before me this morning. I asked him to tell me what he had noticed today. He saw the kingfisher…
Cardinal Ouellet highlights importance of theological reflection on priesthood https://www.vaticannews.va/en/vatican-city/news/2021-04/cardinal-ouellet-priesthood-symposium-reflection.html
WHO AM I ? I am a catholic priest who has also received the sacrament of matrimony. I am not an ex-priest. Since getting married I have continued to do…
ACP member and Dublin priest Pádraig McCarthy writes: Now that our second Covid Easter week has launched, I’d like to suggest an inspiring reflection on the spirituality and significance of…
The Irish Bishops are inviting submissions on the Synodality Pathway. It’s an important opportunity and even though many may feel we’ve been here before, Jesuit Gerry O’Hanlon spoke on Faith…
Root and Branch are organising a Synod in Bristol (5-12 September 2021) where Mary McAleese, Ally Kateusz, James Carroll, Ursula King, Helena Kennedy, and James Alison are some of the…
The Art of Living and Dying: Transforming Spiritual Pain (Fri 21 May – Sun 23 May 2021) Please join us on Friday 21 – Sunday 23 May 2021 for this…
Mary Immaculate College Limerick The Department of Theology & Religious Studies presents the following lecture on: Synodality and Discernment: Are we Ready for It?, Date and Time: April 15th, 7.30…
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