
The people have spoken …

Brendan Hoban in his weekly Western People column offers his thoughts on the outcome of the marriage referendum.
“A clear message for the Church is that the bishops’ view was roundly rejected not just by the gay community, or those sympathetic to its views, but by tens of thousands of ‘ordinary’ Catholics.”
“There’s a massive change taking place in Ireland and, once again, the Catholic Church finds itself out-thought and out-manoeuvred, too influenced by the conservative right, ….
Trying to keep out the tide is always a failed enterprise. When will we learn that simple truth?”

The Marriage Referendum: Archbishop Diarmuid Martin explains why he is voting No; Fr. Pádraig Standún explains why he will be voting Yes

Fr. Pádraig Standún, writing in this week’s column, Standún’s Station, in The Connaught Telegraph explains why he will vote for the marriage referendum.
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin, in an address to Diocesan Communications Officers explains why he is voting against the marriage referendum.

Holiday Weekend or Holy Week?

Brendan Hoban offers a reflection on Holy Week.
“Calvary sets in consoling relief the experience of all who suffer – whether the nightmare of physical pain or the emotional trauma of significant loss or the prospect of imminent death. The human Jesus, struggling to come to terms with the reality of his predicament, echoes every human experience of suffering and of loss and reflects the complexity and confusion of emotions that attend all those caught in the slipstream of pain and loss and death.”

When we vote in referendums we legislate for all citizens not just members of a church

Iggy O Donovan offered his thoughts on the upcoming referendum in The Irish Times.
“The arguments crowd in on us from both sides. Much of life today is like that and we cannot off-load our troubled consciences on others, whether in church or State. We have to make our own decisions for ourselves.”

Render unto Caesar

In his weekly Western People column Brendan Hoban welcomes the introduction of new regulations that will come into force governing the accounting for all church monies. These are a result of the Charities Regulatory Authority (CRA), being established by the government last October.
“While the Church for years has encouraged openness and transparency at diocesan and parish level with mixed results now the new regulations will universally enforce a new, transparent regime in every parish in Ireland.”

The ‘New’ Missal – the problem hasn’t gone away, yet.

Mattie Long reflects on the open letter Gerald O’Collins S.J. wrote to English speaking bishops concerning the continued use of the “new” missal. Added to this letter are the comments of Pope Francis on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the celebration of the first vernacular Mass celebrated by Pope Paul VI in 1965.
Mattie draws on James Dallen’s ‘What Kind of Ecclesiology?’ to question the purpose of the ‘new’ missal.

Justice in the World: Justice in the Church

Tony Flannery quotes from Donal Dorr’s Option for the Poor and for the Earth.
“While the Church is bound to give witness to justice, she recognises that anyone who ventures to speak to people about justice must first be just in their eyes.”
Tony in reflecting on his own situation suggests that this principle presents a strong challenge to the prevailing practices and views in the Vatican

Married priests: There is still so much we can do

Brian Eyre keeps the situation of married priests before us. How can the talents of these men be utilised for the good of the church. He presents a challenge to us! “However in the long run it is the local parish where the married priest lives that can bring about changes. A P.P. who welcomes a married priest who lives in his parish can do an awful lot of good to break down barriers and wrong attitudes. His role or position will not be challenged or weakened if the married priest is seen doing pastoral work in collaboration with him.”

Winning Battles, Losing the War

Brendan Hoban in his Western People column argues that for the Catholic Church the result of the referendum on same-sex marriage will matter less than the fall-out afterwards.
“Looking back on previous debates (on contraception, divorce, abortion) that divided the nation, neither side was prepared to take a long and respectful approach to the issues. Debates around difficult subjects and competing rights were marked by an absence of generosity on both sides.”

The meaning of God

In his weekly Western People column Brendan Hoban discusses the RTE ‘Meaning of Life’ programme following a recent edition featuring Stephen Fry.
Brendan marvels that ‘in a country immersed in religion, it’s quite extraordinary how few seem to have given little more than a passing thought to the meaning of their lives – and how many still imagine that God is some version of Fry’s caricature, notwithstanding huge unanswered (and probably unanswerable) questions about the problem of evil and suffering in the world.’

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