Presider’s Page for 2 October (27th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
The Spirit of God lives in us, inspiring us and guarding us. In the Spirit, we worship our creator and entrust ourselves to the Lord’s loving care.• Ireland’s ‘Day for…
The Mass Readings (from NRSV; Psalms from the Grail translation) plus some homily ideas prepared by Fr Pat Rogers. The Sunday AUDIO-files are a collaboration between Pat and Fr Bernard Cotter, who prepares the Presider’s Page.
The Spirit of God lives in us, inspiring us and guarding us. In the Spirit, we worship our creator and entrust ourselves to the Lord’s loving care.• Ireland’s ‘Day for…
Today’s readings remind us that God is on the side of the poor, defending their rights. Providentially, today is also the World Day of Migrants and Refugees.Penitential RiteWe gather to…
We gather to worship the Lord of glory, asking for help to be God’s servants before all else.Penitential RiteBefore we listen to God’s challenging Word, let us call to mind…
The mercy of God has no end; even humans who disfigure God’s beautiful creation can turn back to God’s ways and find mercy. We continue to mark Creationtide all through…
The Season of Creation is marked throughout the Christian world from 1 September to 4 October. It celebrates the joy of creation as well as encouraging awareness-raising initiatives to protect…
Our God is a gracious God, who throws open the doors to the Kingdom to all of humanity.Penitential RiteWe praise and worship this generous God of ours: even our sins…
This feast originated in Jerusalem before the fifth century as the “Falling-Asleep of the Mother of God.” It was adopted in Rome in the mid-seventh century and was renamed the…
Following Jesus may not bring us happiness in this life, but we are challenged to follow him nevertheless. We come together to worship our gracious God and to ask for…
God’s Word calls us to recognise the transience of life, to keep our eyes on what is lasting. Penitential RiteWe gather to ask God’s help and to praise God for…
Today is Trinity Sunday. We worship God who creates, redeems and sanctifies: three persons, one God.
SUGGESTED SONGS: All Peoples That on Earth Do Dwell; I Am the Bread of Life; Keep In Mind; Let the Earth Rejoice and Sing; How Great Thou Art. Opening CommentRemembering…
15 May 2022 – 5th Sunday of Easter, Year C 1st Reading: Acts 14:21-27 Paul situates Jesus as the goal of the history of God’s people Then they asked for…
1st Reading: Acts 14:21-27 Paul situates Jesus as the goal of the history of God’s people Then they asked for a king; and God gave them Saul son of Kish,…
8 May 2022 – 4th Sunday of Easter, Year C We celebrate Christ our Good Shepherd. Hearing his voice in the proclamation of the gospel, we follow him by living…
Presider’s Page for the 4th Sunday of Easter Opening Comment The fourth Sunday of Easter is often called Good Shepherd Sunday, because the readings are about the care we receive…
01 May 2022 – 3rd Sunday of Easter, Year C 1st Reading: Acts 5:27-32, 40-41 The apostles were put on trial for preaching the Gospel When they had brought them,…
24th April 2022 – 2nd Sunday of Easter, Year C 1st Reading: Acts 5:12-16 High morale and healing influence of the early Christians Many signs and wonders were done among…
17th April 2022 – Easter Sunday (same for Years A, B, C) 1st Reading: Acts 10:34, 37-43 Peter and the other apostles are witnesses to the resurrection Then Peter began…
10th April 2022 – Palm Sunday, (Passion Sunday) Years A, B, C (1) Isaiah 50:4-7 The Suffering Servant will not be put to shame The Lord God has given me…
3rd April 2022 – 5th Sunday of Lent, Year C (1) Isaiah 43:16-21 The prophet promises the exiles a new Exodus Thus says the Lord, who makes a way in…
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