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New book: Ten Commandments for Church Reform: Memoir of a Catholic Priest John Wijngaards,
Ten Commandments for Church Reform: Memoir of a Catholic Priest John Wijngaards, Acadian House, September 2021 Dr John Wijngaards, an 86 year Catholic priest and renowned theologian, is launching his…
Good Friday
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Comments bug fixed!
Just to advise that the Comments section for all posts has been re-opened. The vaccine hit the mark!
Email from ‘What if we just said Wait’
We received the following email from Fr. Michael Ryan. Note that he is encouraging us to sign up to the ‘What if we just said Wait’ petition on the internet….
The laity has spoken and the Church must learn
The Catholic bishops of England and Wales have published an extraordinarily candid piece of criticism of the Church taken from a summary of responses to a consultation conducted in preparation for the forthcoming international synod of bishops in Rome next month, on the subject of marriage and family life.
An editorial in The Tablet states that “they want a Church that engages with married life and its messy difficulties realistically and humanely, not one offering idealistic textbook answers.”
One respondent is quoted as saying: “It would seem that right now the Church may well have more to learn from marriage and family life than to teach.”
Synodal Pathway – more videos and interviews…
“the success of the Synodal Pathway will be dependent on the parishes throughout our 26 dioceses…” Julieann Moran and Fr Éamonn Fitzgibbon discuss a recent research report which calls for…