Year: 2012

Steering Group reports back on the new lay ‘umbrella organisation’

The Steering Group which is developing an umbralla group for lay people reports on its work since the All Hallows meeting on 30 May. In a statement, the ACP Leadership Team  stated that they ‘are delighted to see this initiative progressing, and forward to having a very fruitful alliance with it’.

Birth of St John the Baptist — Bidding prayers etc

Just three birthdays are celebrated by the Church in the Liturgy each year – that of Jesus at the winter solstice, his mother’s on 8th September and that of his cousin John the Baptist near midsummer’s day. John’s birthday comes just after the longest day of the year, when the light begins to decline — just as Jesus’ birthday is after the shortest day, when days begin to lengthen. The placing of these two feasts summarises John the Baptist’s mission: ‘I must decrease, he must increase.’

What it is to be a Catholic — Maura Adshead

Maura Adshead wrote on what being a Catholic means to her. This article appeared in the Irish Examiner of 21 June 21 under the heading ‘Why we need to tackle question of what it is to be a Catholic’. Maura Adshead is Senior Lecturer in Politics and Public Administration and Head of the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Limerick.

Are church investigation procedures really just? — Ladislas Órsy

Ladislas Orsy SJ, visiting professor of philosophy of law and canon law at Georgetown University Law Centre, Washington DC, is a graduate in law of Oxford and holds a doctorate in canon law from the Gregorian University, Rome. This article was first published, in German, in Stimmen der Zeit, in June 1998. This version appeared in Ireland’s Doctrine and Life in October 1998.

The ACP Leadership team believe it is very apt today, in view of the difficulties some priests are having with the Vatican.

ACP calls for repudiation of Dolan report on the Irish College, Rome

The ACP Leadership call the Dolan Report on the Irish College in Rome “disturbing” and “incompetent”, saying it has effectively destroyed the reputation of priests, without giving them the right of reply. This Press Statement was issued on Friday, 15 June at 3.40pm

Getting dialogue going in a parish community

An anonymous parishioner in an Irish parish describes the frustrating experience of attempting to get dialogue going in her local parish. The author, who is known to the ACP leadership team, asked for anonymity in case her parish would be identified. She would be interested to know if others have had similar experiences and if there is an answer to her predicament.

The Church has to find new ways of being present in a new Irish society

In his address to the 50th International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin speaks on the theme of ‘The Church in the Modern World’.  He gives us further insights into his understanding of the notion of ‘dialogue’ , both within the Church and with the ‘world’.

Irish Times series ‘Catholicism Now’ attracts mixed reviews

Pádraig McCarthy collates comments on the Irish Times series on ‘Catholicism Now’ in the week beginning 2 June.

He writes: ‘So far,  I’ve found nothing surprising, except where they’ve got it wrong. Here are a few comments, maybe useful if it comes up in discussion. The Irish Times is not good at accepting and publishing corrections. Your relevant comments welcome. — Pádraig McCarthy.

The new ‘Umbrella Group’ needs to focus on laity, bishops and priests

Three groups in the Church need specific attention from the new “umbrella group” formed at the All Hallows meeting: the general laity, the herarchy and the priests (via the ACP), writes Martin Murray. He reflects on the meetings in the Regency Hotel and All Hallows, and suggests some ways forward.

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