Chris McDonnell, writing in the Catholic Times, offers a few thoughts about the season of Advent. “The story of that journey to Bethlehem is mirrored so often in our present day society. Stories of refugee families in transit, struggling to care for young children or newly born infants abound in News programmes. Those living on the streets of this country are a constant reminder of the poverty that exists in our own affluent society.”
The “Podcast” category is a collection of audio-recordings germane to the aims of our Association.
ACI pilot study highlights serious concern about active lay involvement in parishes and calls on the Irish bishops to commission a countrywide survey to identify the key issues prior to holding a national synod to discern the way forward for the church.
Thinking about some outstanding characters passed a while for Seamus Ahearne on his birthday.
(Happy Birthday, Seamus
“Number of children who went through institutions investigated by Ryan Commission is about a quarter of 170,000 previously cited.”
In a statement on the commission website on Monday, Mr Justice Seán Ryan said “the commission’s report published in May 2009 contains a seriously erroneous statistic according to the general agreement of relevant experts and bodies.
We celebrate the feast of Christ the King this Sunday, remembering that our king’s life ended on a cross. Today we worship this wounded and resurrected God, who promises us a place in Paradise.
Fr. Michael Toomey of Clonmel has spoken out about the dire need for state resources to be properly deployed to help people with mental health problems. He spoke with Sean O’Rourke and Minister Jim Daly on RTE Radio 1.
Sarah McDonald has also reported on this issue in the Irish Independent.
This year the WAC Ireland Advent Liturgy will be in the Chapel, Mercy International Centre, 64A Baggot Street, Dublin 2.
Please join us on Sunday 01 December 2019 at 3.00pm for our Advent liturgy followed by a cup of tea and time to talk about Pope Francis and reform of our church. Our collection this year will be for CONCERN.
In his Western People column Brendan Hoban reminisces about his ‘Late Late’ moment on the famous programme that saw Brian D’Arcy challenge Cardinal Cathal Daly.
“D’Arcy, of course, was right in what he said on that 1995 Late Late Show. I salute his courage in saying it, when so many said nothing, even though they knew he was right and knew too that it needed to be said. And we all know now that what has happened in the last 25 years validates what D’Arcy said on that night.”
Further to the Sunday Independent story today, 17 November, the ACP issued a statement regarding Oliver O’Reilly PP and the position he has adopted in relation to the recent attack on Mr Kevin Lunney.
The readings this Sunday focus on the end of the world, though we are also reassured that people of faith have nothing to fear.
Today is World Day of the Poor, an annual day of significance established by Pope Francis in 2016.
Jo O Sullivan outlines the journey from ‘slumbering’ catholic to ‘revolting’ catholic, from agonising ‘over continuing to participate in shoring up the dysfunctional Institutional Church by continuing to give of my time and talent to the Church’ to the decision that ‘I could come back into the fold with all my heart and all my soul, provided I sought out every opportunity available to me to bring about change.’
‘I find that the passion that drives me these days is to open Catholic hearts and minds here locally into a welcoming acceptance of our LGBT brothers and sisters.’
Video – We are Church Ireland – Fr Bernard Lynch: The title of his talk was “Vatican hypocrisy and hope for our church” but the title should really be “The Meaning of Life”
The Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon Region was held in the Vatican from 06 to 27 October 2019.
Br Mark O’Connor FMS, Vicar for Communications, Parramatta Diocese provided regular updates and news from the Synod to his diocese.
At this time of remembrance, our dead are often in our minds. Today’s readings challenge us to believe in eternal life after death. We worship God who sustains us in this life and promises us a share in the resurrection.
• Today is Prisoners’ Sunday
Fr Bernárd Lynch is to receive the Distinguished Service Award for the Irish Abroad from President Michael D. Higgins on 21. November 2019!
WAC are delighted that Fr Bernárd Lynch will be addressing our WAC meeting on 11 November 2019 in Trinity College Dublin (School of Religion, Loyola Institute Building)!
We have received the sad news of the death of Des Wilson, at the age of 94.
We extend our sympathies to his family and to his colleagues in Down & Connor.
May he rest in peace. carries an item of new “super” parishes being created in Germany with an average of 35,000 parishioners but in this case with a population of 99,000.
Is this where ‘clustering’ is taking us? Is there any reason the planned structure for administration and pastoral care could not be employed using lay people in our current parishes?
Brendan Hoban, writing in the ‘Western People’, says that “After 40 years writing this column, change in our Church is happening. It’s the best news I’ve heard in 40 years. What a joy it is to share it.”
Mid West Radio’s Faith Alive programme, presented by Monica Morley and Brendan Hoban, carried an item about our recent AGM.
Also, an Audio recording of our AGM is available from Eist Audio Productions
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