Audio: Tina Beattie on the Church in Britain
Click on the link below to bring you to the audio of Tina Beattie‘s Zoom presentation on Tues Dec 15th 2020 on the Church in Britain. This is part of…
Click on the link below to bring you to the audio of Tina Beattie‘s Zoom presentation on Tues Dec 15th 2020 on the Church in Britain. This is part of…
Portraits of the Artist…… Sporting Heroes: It is a sad and sobering morning. Clashmore-man Tadgh de Búrca is seeing the medics. Some of us – as Waterford dreamers, can delude…
Reopening churches is not the wisest move Western People 8.12.2020 As I write I’m aware that those who read these words will know if Mayo will be…
Association of Catholic Priests cordially invites you to a members Zoom presentation What can the Irish Church learn from Britain? with British academic, writer and theologian Tina Beattie on Tuesday…
We’re midway through the season of Advent. Traditionally, today is called Gaudete Sunday, which means ‘a day for rejoicing.’ The reason for celebration is that the day of the Lord’s coming is very near.
An Invitation and Proposal: Brendan Hoban has written a book – A Priest’s Diary. It is now into its second printing. Many have bought the book and presumably some have read…
Jean Donovan ‘They Don’t Shoot Blond, Blue-Eyed Americans’: Remembering Jean Donovan on the 40th Anniversary of her Martyrdom. by Fr Liam Power, Waterford News & Star I was watching…
A monk of our time Chris McDonnell CT December 11 2020 In September 2015, Pope Francis addressed the US Congress and chose to mention four great Americans, one of whom…
Association of Catholic Priests cordially invites you to a members Zoom presentation What can the Irish Church learn from Britain? with British academic, writer and theologian Tina Beattie on Tuesday…
More Rumours of Angels The delights of a frosty morning: These mornings seem eerie. The Tolka River holds its breath. I am suspicious of the quietness. The heron appears sometimes….
This feast had its origin in the East as the “Conception of Mary by St Anne.” It spread through the West during the Middle Ages as the “Immaculate Conception” and was extended to the entire Western Church in the eighteenth century. The feast celebrates Mary, preserved from sin from the moment of conception; she is the first-fruits of her Son’s redemption and a prophetic model of what the Church is called to be.
John the Baptist is the focus of the liturgy on the Second Sunday of Advent each year. His challenge to us to ‘prepare a way for the Lord’ is at the heart of the Advent message. We worship the one who will surely come to us.
Association of Catholic Priests statement on public Masses for Christmas Friday 4th December 2020 The go-ahead for public Masses given by the government, after the last lockdown was lifted, creates…
Some good news on the Lectionary translation front: 1. Publishing company Darton, Longman and Todd is producing a translation of the Lectionary which would avoid the non-inclusive English Standard Version…
Apologies are a dubious currency in Covid era Western People column As we edge towards the end of a second COVID lockdown, we look back and look forward. Back…
From the outside, looking in Chris McDonnell CT Belonging to a social group, a sports club, a political party or a local community association involves accepting certain rules and patterns…
Michael Seán Winters from the National Catholic Reporter writes: At last week’s general audience, Pope Francis expressed his concern about Catholic groups that chart their own path. His words are…
Caritas Christi urget nos. (2 Cor 5.14) For the birds: The mornings are good. The river is hospitable. The ducks and herons sleep on. The swan- family fly in together…
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