‘Stupidity’ of Veritas has compounded harm done by Tony Flannery episode
Seamus Ahearne osa reflects with sadness and anger on Veritas’ continuing decision not to stock Tony Flannery’s book
Seamus Ahearne osa reflects with sadness and anger on Veritas’ continuing decision not to stock Tony Flannery’s book
John the Baptist is the focus of the Gospel reading on the Second Sunday of Advent each year. His words challenge and inspire. We worship God who uses many messengers to call us from darkness to light.
The ACP Leadership Team reports that the German Bishops are taking the Pope at his word, and acting accordingly — and they ask: “what are the chances that Irish Church authorities might do the same?”
Take the Survey Now In preparation for the Extraordinary Synod on the Family to be held 5th – 19th October 2014, the Vatican has asked national bishops’ conferences around the…
The Irish Bishops‘ statement at the end of their Winter meeting in Maynooth included comments on the two major initiatives from the Vatican in recent days – the questionnaire on the Synod on the Family, and Pope Francis’ document, The Joy of the Gospel. (Published on the bishops’ website: read the full statement here)
James Martin SJ gives an enthusiastic welcome to Pope Francis’ letter on “The Joy of the Gospel”. First published in America: read original article and comments here
Brendan Hoban reviews Untying the Knots by Paul Vallely, the celebrated biography of Pope Francis (first published in the Western People, 24 November 2013)
William Grimm believes that the large majority of priests are unhappy with the new English translation of the Missal. He suggests that bishops should make the 1998 translation available, and allow their priests to use it — imitating the robust approach of the German bishops.
Jimmy McPhillips reports on the recent Clogher ACP meeting, which took Brendan Hoban’s Furrow article as its theme. (Read his article here.)
The season of Advent begins today. During the next 24 days we will look forward in hope. We will watch for the end times, when Christ will come in glory — Christ whose birthday we will celebrate very soon.
Tony Flannery rejoices in the difference Pope Francis is making in the Church, but fears that local church leadership may not have the capacity to implement the change the pope wishes for.
Sean O’Conaill gives a layman’s response to Evangelii gaudium. He hopes that the decentralisation that Pope Francis encourages might overcome ‘deeply embedded Irish clericalism’
Pat Moore reacts to Pope Francis’ letter, asking if Francis is allowing Christianity to reinvent itself in and through him — at a time when the adventure seems to have gone out of Christianity.
The ACP Leadership Team share this brief summary of Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation, Evangelii gaudium, published on 26 November 2013 (taken from the Vatican Information Service).
Catholics celebrate the feast of Christ the King this Sunday, remembering that our king’s life ended on a cross. Today we worship this wounded and resurrected God, who promises us a place in Paradise.
Brendan Hoban takes issue with Breda O’Brien and David Quinn’s praise for Pope Benedict and dismissal of Pope Francis. He finds their evidence of green shoots in the Irish Church unconvincing (first published in the Western People, 18 November 2013).
David O’Neill, a retired lecturer in theology in the UK (and former Augustinian priest) reviews Tony Flannery’s book, A Question of Conscience
Brendan Hoban lists sources of disenchantment in the Irish diocesan clergy — and suggests what might enchant them (first published in The Furrow, November 2013).
The readings this bleak November Sunday focus on the end of the world — though we are also reassured that people of faith have nothing to fear.
Adrian Egan CSsR reports the unexpected death of Ger Gleeson, one of our website’s regular contrubuters.
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