At this time of remembrance, our dead are often in our minds. Today’s readings challenge us to believe in eternal life after death. We worship God who sustains us in this life and promises us a share in the resurrection.
About eighteen months ago some priests of Dublin Archdiocese approached the ACP Leadership with the proposal that a study of Judge Yvonne Murphy’s Investigation of Clerical Child Abuse in the Archdiocese be conducted.
Retired High Court Judge from Hong Kong, Mr. Fergal Sweeney, was commissioned to do this work.
We here publish his report:
Commissions of Investigation and Procedural Fairness Report (40 pages, PDF)
In conjunction with this, Fr. Padraig McCarthy of the Archdiocese has just published a book on the same subject. This does not duplicate Fergal Sweeney’s work but includes further areas of analysis of the Murphy Report. Padraig’s book, An Unheard Story (published by Londubh) will be available in most bookshops.
Presenting: a brief profile of the three new members of the ACP Leadership Team, and an update on the original team members.
The Leadership Team of the ACP share the latest document from the Vatican, in preparation for the Synod on the F amily to be held in 2014. This contains a questionnaire that is meant to be widely circulated. The principal document, the Lineamenta, which includes the questionnaire, is now available as a PDF file on the Dublin diocesan website
Zacchaeus is the star of today’s Gospel, the man who has been called ‘everybody’s favourite underdog’. Zacchaeus took Jesus at his word and changed his life. We worship God, whose mercy for all people never fails.
Robert Mickens, the Vatican correspondent of the Tablet, will speak at an event, jointly sponsored by the ACP and the ACI. He will speak about Pope Francis, and the possibility of renewal and reform in the Church under his papacy.
On All Saints Day and today, we remember all the dead, those in heaven and those still be on the way there: God alone knows where each soul is. Today we pray for all souls, for the faithful departed still on the journey to their heavenly home.
Padraig McCarthy reviews Archbishop Diarmuid Martin’s response to the legal review of the Murphy Report, agreeing that it makes valid points — but also pointing out that there is more to be said.
Sean O’Conaill notes a tendency in inter-Catholic online discussion to silence opponents by the use of such wild card tags as: ‘modernist’,
‘fundamentalist’, ‘Protestant’, ‘relativist’, ‘heretic’. He asks if the Catholic Internet can be civilised, so that potentially brilliant contributors will not hold back from being part of discussions.
Dermot Lane offers his thoughts on the ACP in a letter to its annual meeting
Gerry O’Hanlon SJ reviews the ACP’s first three years and suggests future directions (this is the text of his talk at the start of the AGM).
This is the press statement issued at the end of the AGM of the ACP, held on 29 October in Athlone.
Sean Duggan points out that Pope Francis gives us a new image of ‘sheep’ — not the cuddly, domesticated one, but the smelly animal. He suggests we must learn to live with ‘the smell of the sheep’.
The Gospel story of the Pharisee and the tax collector is read at this Sunday’s Mass. It reminds us of the value of being humble before God. In today’s gathering, we praise God who is always merciful to us.
David Gibson sees reflections of the thinking of the late archbishop of Chicago visible in Pope Francis (first published on RNS Religion News Service)
Richard Rohr meditates on Mark’s gospel and finds there a model for ministry
A participant reports on the meeting of ‘Concerned Catholics’ which took place in Tuam on 12 October. It was organised by a few people who described themselves as ‘concerned Catholics’: from it may come a local branch of the Association of Catholics in Ireland (ACI).
‘Growing in Faith’ is suggested as the theme for this year’s Mission Sunday, as the Year of Faith draws to a close. These words remind us that faith is God’s precious gift — a gift we can’t keep to ourselves.
Padraig McCarthy reflects on Pope Francis’ call for greater roles for women in the Catholic Church — and asks if he could take a giant step in that direction by appointing women to the College of Cardinals. (Reflection based on article in the NCR: read original article and comments here.)
The Leadership Team of our association report on the AGM — which takes place in the Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone on Tuesday, Oct. 29th at 2.00pm. This event marks three years of the ACP.
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