Editor’s Choice

Presider’s Page for Monday 17 March (Lá Fhéile Pádraig)

As the second week of Lent begins in other countries, we pause from our lenten penances to honour Patrick, the apostle of the Irish. In our celebration of this solemn feast, we worship God, creator, redeemer and sanctifier, who brought our ancestors into the Christian fold through the preaching of St Patrick.

Presider’s Page for 2 February (The Presentation of the Lord – Candlemas)

It’s forty days since we celebrated the birth of Jesus at Christmas. Today we remember his Presentation in the Temple. This feast is also called Candlemas; candles are blessed because today Jesus was revealed in the Temple as the light of all peoples.

Presider’s Page for 19 January (Ordinary Time 2)

There are echoes of the Christmas season in today’s liturgy, particularly in the Gospel story of the wedding feast of Cana, in which God’s glory becomes visible in Jesus, as it did at his Epiphany and Baptism. (Today is also the World Day of Migrants and Refugees.)

Presider’s Page for 21 January (Third Sunday in Ordinary Time)

The calling of disciples is described in today’s Gospel. We too are called to follow Christ, even in these difficult times of pandemic. As believers, we listen to God’s word, allowing it to steer and support us, every day of our lives.
• The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity continues till Monday. Today is designated as the ‘Sunday of the Word of God’ (the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time every year). Catholic Schools Week 2021 begins today.

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