We celebrate today an amazing mystery — God is born in time. The eternal God shares our nature, he has pitched his tent in the midst of humanity. With joy in our hearts, we contemplate the mystery of the Word made flesh.
In the dark of this winter night, we proclaim the new light that has shone on the world: Jesus Christ is born! With the angels, we worship God who saves us — for through the life, death and resurrection of this child Jesus, salvation is ours.
John the Baptist is the focus of the liturgy on the Second Sunday of Advent each year. His challenge to us to ‘prepare a way for the Lord’ is at the heart of the Advent message. We worship the one who will surely come to us.
We celebrate the feast of Christ the King today, acclaiming Jesus as our king, the one who died for us and rose triumphant. We offer praise and worship — and ask for the grace to live as worthy citizens of his kingdom of justice, truth, love and peace.
Gathering together in the Lord’s house, we bring simple gifts into God’s presence – our love, our care for each other, our worshipping hearts and voices. We ask for the grace to continue to show love through the coming week.
We gather together as friends, called by the Lord to forgive each other as quickly as God forgives us.
As weak and sinful people, we gather to ask the Lord’s mercy. We know his grace is sufficient for us. Together, we praise and thank our God for the constant care we receive.
As summer takes hold, we give thanks to God for all the gifts we enjoy. We rejoice in God’s saving power: death itself is in his hand and all the living depend on God alone.
Opening Comment Even though Easter Week is now behind us, today’s liturgy is still filled with the joyful effects of Jesus’ resurrection. We continue to celebrate that great event for…
Today’s liturgy gives a preview of the events we will celebrate between Holy Thursday and Easter Sunday: the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. These events are also the focus of this and every Sunday celebration. We ask for God’s help in understanding their significance.
The calling of disciples is described in today’s Gospel. We too are called to follow Christ, even in these difficult times of pandemic. As believers, we listen to God’s word, allowing it to steer and support us, every day of our lives.
• The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity continues till Monday. Today is designated as the ‘Sunday of the Word of God’ (the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time every year). Catholic Schools Week 2021 begins today.
God’s message is still a living power among us, so we gather to listen and be challenged by it Penitential RiteConfident of God’s care and mercy, let us call to…
As God’s family in this place, we gather to worship. God is our king, we heed his Word and share the Bread of Life• Today is Mission Sunday. [A collection will…
We gather as fellow-pilgrims at this Sunday’s Eucharist, all journeying to the great banquet of heaven. In our Communion today, we get a taste of what is to come. Penitential…
There are reassuring sentiments for us in God’s Word, with Paul reminding us that there is no need for us to worry. If there is anything we need, we can…
God’s love is displayed for us in the life and death of Jesus. We rejoice in this love, and celebrate the victory over sin and death won for us. As…
God’s ways are not our ways. God’s love and generosity are beyond our understanding. We acknowledge all God has done for us, and ask for the grace to grow into…
We gather as God’s family, concerned for each other, supporting one another in sadness and joy. The challenge of living as part of the Christian family is laid out for…
This hour of worship brings us into the presence of the God whose mystery we can never comprehend. All we have comes from the Lord, and we can only bow…
Everyone is welcome in God’s house, everyone who loves God’s name. We gather to experience the warmth of this embrace. Penitential RiteTo prepare ourselves, let us call to mind our…
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