Presider’s Page

This section, provided by Fr. Bernard Cotter of Cloyne diocese, offers useful material for the celebrant, on Sundays and Feasts: alternative prayers, introductions, intercessions etc.

Presiders Page for 9 December (Immaculate Conception of the BVM)

Our preparations for Christmas always include Mary, the Mother of God. Her Advent feast is displaced from 8th December this year because of a clash with the Second Sunday of Advent, which we celebrated yesterday. Today, we honour her conception free from sin, a miracle that displays God’s power for believers. We worship God, for whom everything is posssible.

Presider’s Page for 20 October (Mission Sunday)

Today is World Mission Sunday, which this year has the theme: “TOGETHER WE ARE MISSION, changing the lives of others!” The readings point to the value of persistent prayer, which can be a real support to missionaries in their work. If you want results, pray without ceasing, says Jesus. God will listen and help.

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