Presider’s Page

This section, provided by Fr. Bernard Cotter of Cloyne diocese, offers useful material for the celebrant, on Sundays and Feasts: alternative prayers, introductions, intercessions etc.

Holy Thursday – Liturgy preparation

The liturgy that begins at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper continues until Easter begins. At the Mass, we are at the start of a three-day celebration of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. We journey from the Last Supper to Gethsemane the first night, from there to Calvary on the second day, and from the tomb to resurrection and new life on the third day, which ends with the Vigil of Easter Sunday.

Holy Week Penance Service – Liturgy Preparation

This liturgy, for use in parishes in Holy Week, is a celebration of God’s forgiveness, and of our reconciliation with God and one another. The service has four parts. After a brief introduction (the first part), people listen to God’s word and reflect on it. Then all  celebrate the Rite of Reconciliation, during which everyone will have the opportunity of going to Confession. The service ends with an Act of Thanksgiving.

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