Presider’s Page for Wednesday 2 November (All Souls Day)
On All Saints Day and today, we remember all the dead, those in heaven and those still be on the way there: God alone knows where each soul is. Today…
This section, provided by Fr. Bernard Cotter of Cloyne diocese, offers useful material for the celebrant, on Sundays and Feasts: alternative prayers, introductions, intercessions etc.
On All Saints Day and today, we remember all the dead, those in heaven and those still be on the way there: God alone knows where each soul is. Today…
The Gospel story of the Pharisee and the tax collector is read on this year’s Mission Sunday. Those who are humble before God make the best witnesses to the Gospel:…
If you want results, pray without ceasing, says Jesus. God will listen and help. Penitential RiteAs we prepare ourselves for this celebration, let us call to mind God’s generous mercy…
The Gospel gives the story of the ten lepers, of whom only one came back to thank Jesus. We praise and thank God who continues to do great things for…
The Spirit of God lives in us, inspiring us and guarding us. In the Spirit, we worship our creator and entrust ourselves to the Lord’s loving care.• Ireland’s ‘Day for…
Today’s readings remind us that God is on the side of the poor, defending their rights. Providentially, today is also the World Day of Migrants and Refugees.Penitential RiteWe gather to…
We gather to worship the Lord of glory, asking for help to be God’s servants before all else.Penitential RiteBefore we listen to God’s challenging Word, let us call to mind…
The mercy of God has no end; even humans who disfigure God’s beautiful creation can turn back to God’s ways and find mercy. We continue to mark Creationtide all through…
The Season of Creation is marked throughout the Christian world from 1 September to 4 October. It celebrates the joy of creation as well as encouraging awareness-raising initiatives to protect…
Who gets the places of honour in God’s house, the pushy or the humble? The Word of God this Sunday teaches us that the humble are the ones who find…
Our God is a gracious God, who throws open the doors to the Kingdom to all of humanity.Penitential RiteWe praise and worship this generous God of ours: even our sins…
This feast originated in Jerusalem before the fifth century as the “Falling-Asleep of the Mother of God.” It was adopted in Rome in the mid-seventh century and was renamed the…
Following Jesus may not bring us happiness in this life, but we are challenged to follow him nevertheless. We come together to worship our gracious God and to ask for…
We are challenged by today’s Gospel to stand ready for our Master’s return, in triumph at the end of time, or more immediately, in the least of his brothers and…
God’s Word calls us to recognise the transience of life, to keep our eyes on what is lasting. Penitential RiteWe gather to ask God’s help and to praise God for…
We can ask God for help whenever we need to, today or any day. We gather to worship God who is always concerned for us. [Today is World Day of…
As we gather, we are challenged to be hospitable, welcoming people. We worship the God who always has a welcome for us.Penitential RiteSupported by this divine care, we call to…
The beautiful story of the Good Samaritan is told again at today’s Mass, with its challenge to us to look after others, as the Good Samaritan did. We gather to…
We gather to praise God’s faithfulness, and to ask for grace in the work we’re called to do.Penitential RiteTo prepare ourselves to celebrate the Mass, let us call to mind…
Now that the great feasts of Easter and the Sundays following it are behind us, we return to Ordinary Time. Green vestments are worn today; green is the colour of…
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