Presider’s Page for 1 July (Ordinary Time 13)
As summer takes hold of us, we give thanks to God for all the gifts we enjoy. We rejoice in God’s saving power: death itself is in his hand and all the living depend on God alone.
This section, provided by Fr. Bernard Cotter of Cloyne diocese, offers useful material for the celebrant, on Sundays and Feasts: alternative prayers, introductions, intercessions etc.
As summer takes hold of us, we give thanks to God for all the gifts we enjoy. We rejoice in God’s saving power: death itself is in his hand and all the living depend on God alone.
Just three birthdays are celebrated by the Church in the Liturgy each year – that of Jesus at the winter solstice, his mother’s on 8th September and that of his cousin John the Baptist near midsummer’s day. John’s birthday comes just after the longest day of the year, when the light begins to decline — just as Jesus’ birthday is just after the shortest day. The placing of these two feasts summarises John the Baptist’s mission: ‘I must decrease, he must increase.’
Those seeking Bidding Prayers or Homily resources for weekend masses should look under the LITURGY tab (top of page), or in the LITURGY section in the sidebar to the right…
The Fourth Sunday of Easter is often called Good Shepherd Sunday, because the readings are about the care we receive from Christ, our true shepherd, a care Christians are invited to copy. Today is also the day of prayer for vocations.
We’re two weeks into the Easter season now, but the Good News of the season continues to reverberate in the Liturgy. Joyfully we worship God who raised our Saviour from the dead.
In just over ten days time, the Easter Triduum will begin, at sunset on Holy Thursday. Today we pray for all the baptised for whom Easter brings renewal: may we be fit and ready to renew our promises when this Lent is over.
The calling of Andrew and his brother Peter is described in today’s Gospel. Like those early disciples, we too are called. As believers, we gather here to listen to God’s word, resolving to put it into practice in the coming week.
• The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity continues till Thursday next.
We celebrate today an amazing mystery — God is born in time. The eternal God shares our nature, he has pitched his tent in the midst of humanity. With joy in our hearts, we contemplate the mystery of the Word made flesh.
In the dark of this winter night, we proclaim the new light that has shone on the world: Jesus Christ is born! With the angels, we worship God who saves us — for through the life, death and resurrection of this child Jesus, salvation is ours.
God’s message is still a living power among us, so we gather this Sunday to listen and be challenged by it.
On All Saints Day and today, we remember all the dead, those in heaven and those still be on the way there: God alone knows where each soul is. Today we pray for all souls, for the faithful departed still on the journey to their heavenly home.
Today and tomorrow we remember all the dead, those in heaven and those still be on the way there: God alone knows where each soul is. Today’s feast celebrates the saints in heaven, holy men and women of every time and place: we hope some of our people are among them.
There’s a reminder of the two great commandments in today’s celebration: we are called to love God and our neighbour: friend, visitor and stranger alike.
As God’s family in this place, we gather to worship. God is our king, we heed his Word and share the Bread of Life.
We gather as fellow-pilgrims at this Sunday’s Eucharist, all journeying to the great banquet of heaven. In our Communion today, we get a taste of what is to come.
Songs at Mass (Suggestions) ‘Praise to the Holiest’; ‘Eat This Bread’; ‘Holy God We Praise Thy Name’; ‘Make me a Channel of your Peace’. Opening Comment There are reassuring sentiments…
Songs at Mass (Suggestions) ‘Here I Am, Lord’; ‘Be Not Afraid’; ‘Make me a Channel of Your Peace’; “How Great Thou Art”. Opening Comment God’s love is displayed for us in…
Songs at Mass (Suggestions) ‘Be Thou my Vision’; ‘Ag Críost an Síol’; ‘Now Thank We All Our God’; ‘Seek ye first….’ Opening Comment God’s ways are not our ways. God’s…
Forgiveness is one of the great qualities of Christianity. We are challenged to forgive each other as readily as God forgives us. We celebrate God’s mercy, and ask for the grace to pass it on to those who hurt us.
Suggested Songs for Mass: ‘Love is His Word’; ‘Ag Críost an Síol’; ‘This is My Will’; ‘How Great Thou Art’. Opening Comment We gather as God’s family, concerned for each…
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