The gospel of the transfiguration is read on this lenten Sunday each year, to remind us to hold firm to a vision of glory, on dark days. Easter and its joy will follow this season of penance, just as the resurrection followed the passion and death of Jesus.
Today we celebrate the first Sunday of Lent. All over the world today, people of all ages are beginning their preparation period for baptism at the Easter Vigil. Like them, we begin our own preparations for Easter, looking forward to renewing our baptismal vows and being blessed with Easter water.
‘Whatever you do at all, do it for the glory of God.’ The words are St Paul’s, from today’s second reading. We gather here to give glory to God, praying for the sick, marking the Day of Prayer for Temperance and preparing for the Lenten Spring.
As we Christians come together for worship, each of us brings worries, anxieties and fears. We gather them all together and entrust them to the one who heals his suffering people.
We come together to listen to God’s word and share the bread of life together. As God’s family here, we praise the one who has rescued us from sin and darkness, and brought us the hope of heaven.
The calling of disciples is described in today’s Gospel. We too are called to follow Christ, even in these difficult times of pandemic. As believers, we listen to God’s word, allowing it to steer and support us, every day of our lives.
• The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity continues till Monday. Today is designated as the ‘Sunday of the Word of God’ (the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time every year). Catholic Schools Week 2021 begins today.
Now that the Christmas season is behind us and we are moving into the New Year, the liturgy challenges us to reflect on what following Christ means. We gather as God’s people, called to follow the Lamb of God and we praise God, with thanksgiving.
• This is the World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
Today we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord: it’s the last day of the Christmas season. The baptism of Jesus marked the end of his quiet years in Nazareth and the start of his public ministry.
On this first Sunday after Christmas Day, we honour the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. We entrust our families to their patronage, and pray for all who have been part of our families, those still alive and those whom we hope have joined the great family of God in heaven.
Presider’s Page for 23/24 December (Fourth Sunday of Advent)
We’re two thirds of the way through Advent. Traditionally, today is called Gaudete Sunday, which means ‘a day for rejoicing.’ The reason for celebration is that the day of the Lord’s coming is very near.
John the Baptist is the focus of the liturgy on the Second Sunday of Advent each year. His challenge to us to ‘prepare a way for the Lord’ is at the heart of the Advent message. We worship the one who will surely come to us.
Advent begins today; the season is at its shortest this year. During these first two weeks, the Church focuses on the end of time, when Christ will come in glory. Then, for the last week of Advent, we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ.
Today we celebrate the feast of Christ the King. At the end of time, this king will come in glory to judge the living and the dead. He will ask how we treated the hungry and thirsty, the stranger, the naked, those sick or in prison.
The beginning of the Advent season is coming closer, and the Liturgy invites us to look further into the future, towards the end of time, to be ready when the Day of the Lord comes. Today’s gathering will help us on our way, by teaching us how to live and giving us food for the journey.
• Today has been designated by Pope Francis as the first-ever “WORLD DAY OF THE POOR”
At this time of year, our deceased relatives and friends are often in our minds. Our faith tells us that we needn’t grieve over them like people with no hope….
God’s message is still a living power among us, so we gather to listen and be challenged by it Penitential RiteConfident of God’s care and mercy, let us call to…
There’s a reminder of the two great commandments in today’s celebration: we are called to love God and our neighbour: friend, visitor and stranger alike. Penitential RiteLet us call to mind…
As God’s family in this place, we gather to worship. God is our king, we heed his Word and share the Bread of Life• Today is Mission Sunday. [A collection will…
We gather as fellow-pilgrims at this Sunday’s Eucharist, all journeying to the great banquet of heaven. In our Communion today, we get a taste of what is to come. Penitential…
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