Diary Date: ACP Zoom with James Alison Tues 27 April 7.00pm
ACP will host a Zoom presentation with James Alison on Tues 27th April at 7.00pm. Meeting ID and Passcode will be provided nearer the date. James Alison is a Catholic…
ACP will host a Zoom presentation with James Alison on Tues 27th April at 7.00pm. Meeting ID and Passcode will be provided nearer the date. James Alison is a Catholic…
Zoom Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81459650736?pwd=YVYzMkhkUEg0dmt3aDJoSElvRGFDQT09#success
The Greening of Life The Tolka Tony got to the Tolka before me this morning. I asked him to tell me what he had noticed today. He saw the kingfisher…
Cardinal Ouellet highlights importance of theological reflection on priesthood https://www.vaticannews.va/en/vatican-city/news/2021-04/cardinal-ouellet-priesthood-symposium-reflection.html
WHO AM I ? I am a catholic priest who has also received the sacrament of matrimony. I am not an ex-priest. Since getting married I have continued to do…
ACP member and Dublin priest Pádraig McCarthy writes: Now that our second Covid Easter week has launched, I’d like to suggest an inspiring reflection on the spirituality and significance of…
The Irish Bishops are inviting submissions on the Synodality Pathway. It’s an important opportunity and even though many may feel we’ve been here before, Jesuit Gerry O’Hanlon spoke on Faith…
Root and Branch are organising a Synod in Bristol (5-12 September 2021) where Mary McAleese, Ally Kateusz, James Carroll, Ursula King, Helena Kennedy, and James Alison are some of the…
The Art of Living and Dying: Transforming Spiritual Pain (Fri 21 May – Sun 23 May 2021) Please join us on Friday 21 – Sunday 23 May 2021 for this…
Mary Immaculate College Limerick The Department of Theology & Religious Studies presents the following lecture on: Synodality and Discernment: Are we Ready for It?, Date and Time: April 15th, 7.30…
Catholics demand to be treated as adults Western People 6.4.2021 The news last week that the lockdown – despite a few cosmetic adjustments to ease the disappointment – would continue…
Times They Are A-Changin’ Holy Week and Easter online: They (the online community) sat around the Table for Holy Thursday and felt at home. They Confessed and felt blessed and…
The Link to the Irish Bishops Conference website on the Synodal Pathway: https://www.catholicbishops.ie/synod/
Who walks with you? Chris McDonnell CT April 9th 2021 There is something in the story of the Road to Emmaus that is very different from other Gospel narratives,…
Dear Friends, So many of our young people have long since given up on Church, attending only on special occasions like christenings, weddings and funerals. Pastoral opportunities? Maybe. Opportunities at…
The death has been announced of theologian Hans Kung, RIP. Patricia Lefevere from The National Catholic Reporter has more details: https://www.ncronline.org/news/people/hans-k-ng-celebrated-and-controversial-swiss-theologian-has-died
It appears that the email info@associationofcatholicpriests.ie is posing problems for some subscribers. An alternative email is liamymac@gmail.com – this may be used for postings, comments, etc. Liamy Mac Nally…
(Extract from homily of Iggy O Donovan, Fethard, Easter Sunday.) All will have noted the recent controversies on the pandemic lockdown and the fact that churches are closed again this…
This Easter morning we gather for a most unusual Easter celebration. Pandemic threatens to overwhelm, yet the Church insistently proclaims: Christ is risen! We still celebrate the central mystery of our faith, the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. He suffered on the cross and died for us, but now he has conquered death and fear! Filled with the spirit of Easter joy, let us proclaim the might and glory of God.
He is Risen Happy Easter
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