From the Irish Times: President leads tributes to nun, educator, feminist and human-rights activist. Margaret MacCurtain May 17th, 1929-October 5th, 2020 The distinguished historian, educator, feminist and human-rights activist, Dr Margaret…
America magazine posted this link to Pádraig Ó Tuama’s podcast. Our lives are shaped by language, even if most of us are not poets. But it helps to talk to one…
America Magazine reports the following: (AM) Editor’s note: As part of our larger coverage of “Fratelli Tutti,” the latest encyclical letter from Pope Francis, America asked a number of theologians and…
Teaching is a vocation Chris McDonnell CT October 09 2020 There are over forty occasions in the four Gospels where Jesus is referred to as teacher, a title of some…
Pope Francis releases a video message accompanying his prayer intention for October, the missionary month, in which he calls for the promotion of greater integration of the lay faithful, especially…
Where is God during Covid-19? Cogar-Mogar: The sun is reluctant and grumpy, as it gets out of bed these mornings. It knows it has to get up at some stage,…
ACP has proved its worth during past decade Western People October 6, 2020 It’s been a short ten years for the Association of Catholic Priests (ACP). In June 2010,…
Why Parish? Now in even deeper crisis, our Irish church will need ‘all hands’ in all parishes to get to grips with renewal. But what would it take to revive…
MEETING ID & PASSWORD for ACP Zoom Presentation What can the Irish Church learn from Germany? with German Jesuit FR BERND HAGENKORD SJ on TUES 6th OCT 2020 at 7.00pm…
Association of Catholic Priests cordially invites you to a members Zoom presentation What can the Irish Church learn from Germany? with German Jesuit Fr Bernd Hagenkord SJ church journalist and…
This is the link to the English version of Fratelli Tutti from the Irish Bishops Conference website.
There are reassuring sentiments for us in God’s Word, with Paul reminding us that there is no need for us to worry. If there is anything we need, we can pray for it and God’s peace will be ours.
• Today is ‘Day for Life’ in Ireland, with the theme: “Choose Life”.
On the anniversary of St Francis of Assisi’s death, Pope Francis celebrates Mass before the Saint’s tomb and signs his Encyclical “Fratelli tutti”. By Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp …
Dying with Dignity Bill: Are politicians being irresponsible in their manner of introducing this legislation? Professor Tony O’Brien (who hails from Rockfield Park in the city) has told me that…
While the ACP website homepage is not a forum for book promotion many members will have an interest in this forthcoming publication from Messenger Publications and may avail of a…
‘A child believes that a pony should see the inside of a house.’ Patel Donald and Joe: A horror show, it seems. Was it a Tom and Jerry…
One Step at a Time Chris McDonnell CT October 02. 2020 It is a year since the gathering in Rome of the Amazon Synod, summoned by Francis to consider the…
Two further Zoom Conversations are planned by the Scottish Laity Network, the first reform movement in the church in Scotland. One is with Tina Beattie and the other is Fr. James…
The Roman Inquisition Has Not Gone Away The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) continues the grisly work. If proof is needed, just listen to the Redemptorist priest…
God’s love is displayed for us in the life and death of Jesus. We rejoice in this love, and celebrate the victory over sin and death won for us. As a community, we praise God’s holy name.
• Today is the ‘World Day of Migrants and Refugees’
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