Editor’s Choice

Presider’s Page for 30 June (Ordinary Time 13)

Now that the great feasts of Easter and the Sundays following it are behind us, we return to Ordinary Time and reflect on the challenges to disciples found in the Gospel of Luke. At today’s gathering, we’re challenged us to look carefully at our commitment to our faith. We worship God who gives us the grace we need.

World Meeting of Families – Let’s be real.

Faced with the ‘lucky bag’ of glossy advertising material about the world meeting of families regularly reaching most parochial houses, Seamus Ahearne pens a few thoughts, and hopes, about this upcoming event.
“We need the messed up, chaotic struggle of most ordinary and real families to be centre stage. We have to reflect the life of the family in Ireland and not some idealised version.”
“I don’t dismiss or undermine anything of the mighty work being done in preparation. I am concerned that it can reflect something of what we see daily.”

ACP Information Card: Correspondence from and to the Kildare & Leighin Council of Priests

Correspondence from and to the Kildare & Leighin Council of Priests concerning the ACP information Card issued at the recent AGM.
The card outlines rights priests have in civil and canon law and are taken from “Guidelines for the Care and Management of Respondents (i.e. priests) Standard 4” as outlined by the National Board for Safeguarding Children.

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