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Presider’s Page for Sunday 13 March (Second Sunday of Lent)
In today’s Liturgy, we praise the Lord of glory, who leads us through the darkness of Lent to the light of Easter.
Presider’s Page for 6 March (First Sunday of Lent)
The 40-day pilgrimage to Easter that began on Ash Wednesday is just a few days old. We pray that God, who sustained Jesus in his 40 days of temptations and suffering, will support us on our journey also. And we continue to pray for and support the people of Ukraine…
Presider’s Page for 27 February (Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Words matter. What we say has an effect on others, for good or ill. Our words can bring peace or make war. As we pray to use our words well, we pray also for the world to be spared from the madness of war in Europe.
Presider’s Page for 27 February (Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Words matter. What we say has an effect on others, for good or ill. Our words can bring peace or make war. As we pray to use our words well, we pray also for the world to be spared from the madness of war in Europe.
Presider’s Page for 19 September (25th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
We gather to remember the passion and death of Jesus, and to celebrate his resurrection with joy. He calls us to move beyond rivalry and conflict, to be true followers of the Christian way.
Presider’s Page for 29 August (22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time)
As we move from summer towards autumn, we praise God who sustains us all year round. We ask for help with new undertakings and perseverance with continuing projects, knowing that nothing will work well without God’s grace.
Presider’s Page for 4 July (14th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
God calls us together for praise and worship today. As weak and sinful people, we gather to ask the Lord’s mercy. We know that divine grace is sufficient for us. Together, we praise and thank our God for the constant care we receive.
Presider’s Page for 27 June (13th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
As summer takes hold of us, we give thanks to God for all the gifts we enjoy. We rejoice in God’s saving power: death itself is in his hand and all the living depend on God alone.
Presider’s Page for 20 June (12th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
We have nothing to be afraid of, no matter what storm threatens to overwhelm us, God is with us. We need to trust in Christ’s calming presence — and not to be afraid to ask for help. • And on this Father’s Day, we honour the presence and memory of…
Presider’s Page for 13 June (11th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Throughout these summer months, trees, plants and grasses grow and flourish. Our faith is also to grow and flourish during these Sundays of Ordinary Time. The green vestments worn by the celebrant signify continuing growth in faith.
Presider’s Page for 23 May (Pentecost Sunday)
Today is Pentecost Sunday, the second climax of the Easter season. We celebrate ‘the great beginning of the Church’, the day the Holy Spirit first came to confused and frightened disciples.
Presider’s Page for 2 May (Fifth Sunday of Easter)
Like branches of one tree, we are held together by our faith in Christ. Because we are all part of this one living plant, we come together in thanksgiving and praise.
Presider’s Page for 18 April (Third Sunday of Easter)
During the Easter season the Church continues to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, even in these pandemic days. Today, we join together to worship God, who has brought about the great victory over sin and death in which we hope.
Presider’s Page for 11 April (Second Sunday of Easter)
Opening Comment Even though Easter Week is now behind us, today’s liturgy is still filled with the joyful effects of Jesus’ resurrection. We continue to celebrate that great event for the next six weeks, until Pentecost Sunday on 23 May, the fiftieth and final day of Easter. Alternative Opening Prayer…
Presider’s Page for 1 April (Holy Thursday)
The liturgy that begins this Thursday evening continues until we reach Easter. We are at the start of a three-day celebration of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. We journey from the Last Supper to Gethsemane tonight, from there to Calvary tomorrow, and from the tomb to resurrection and…
Presider’s Page for 28 March (Palm Sunday)
Today’s liturgy gives a preview of the events we will celebrate between Holy Thursday and Easter Sunday: the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. These events are also the focus of this and every Sunday celebration. We ask for God’s help in understanding their significance.
Bilingual Presider’s Page for Wednesday 17 March (Lá Fhéile Pádraig Naofa)
Today, we pause from our lenten penances to honour Patrick, our national apostle. In our celebration of this solemn feast, we worship God, creator, redeemer and sanctifier, who brought our ancestors into the Christian fold through the preaching of St Patrick. [In this year’s Mass we remember especially the irish…
Editor's Choice, Liturgy, Presider's Page, Weekday Homily Resources
Presider’s Page for 14 March (Fourth Sunday of Lent – “Laetare”)
This Sunday we come to the midpoint of Lent. The season is half over, and the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus is nearer to us. On this midway Sunday, it is traditional to honour mothers, praying for those still with us and remembering those who have died.
Presider’s Page for 7 March (Third Sunday in Lent, Year B)
We gather in continuing lockdown on this first Sunday of March in Ireland, praying that God will keep our hope alive during the Lenten spring. The Lord has the message of eternal life: we come to know this message during the Sunday online gathering and deepen our relationship with our Saviour.
Presider’s Page for 28 February (Second Sunday of Lent, Year B)
As we continue to celebrate Lent, we keep the goal of our journey before us. The gospel of the transfiguration is read on this lenten Sunday each year, to remind us to hold firm to a vision of glory, even on dark days. Easter will follow this season of penance,…
Presider’s Page for 21 February (First Sunday of Lent)
Today we celebrate the first Sunday of Lent. Lent is celebrated in lockdown this year, in this and most every country, as the world fights COVID-19. But though apart, we are united in worship and in prayer, looking forward to Easter and better days ahead.
Presider’s Page for Ash Wednesday (17 February, 2021)
Today we begin the journey of penance and reflection that will bring us to the celebration of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus at Easter time. Let us pray for the grace to keep Lent faithfully..
Presider’s Page for 14 February (Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
‘Whatever you do at all, do it for the glory of God.’ The words are St Paul’s, from today’s second reading. We gather here to give glory to God, marking the Day of Prayer for Temperance — and preparing for the online Lenten Spring of 2021, a Lent like no…
Presider’s Page for 7 February (Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
As we come together for worship, each of us brings worries, anxieties and fears, made worse by the pandemic all around us. We gather our concerns together and entrust them to the one who heals his suffering people.
Presider’s Page for 31 January (Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
We come together [on-line] this Sunday to listen to God’s word, believing that Jesus teaches us with authority: we have been rescued from sin and darkness, and given the hope of heaven.
Presider’s Page for 24 January (Third Sunday in Ordinary Time)
The calling of disciples is described in today’s Gospel. We too are called to follow Christ, even in these difficult times of pandemic. As believers, we listen to God’s word, allowing it to steer and support us, every day of our lives. • The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity continues…
Presider’s Page for 17 January (Second Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Now that the Christmas season is behind us and we are moving into the New Year, the liturgy challenges us to reflect on what following Christ means. In the light of the Mother and Babies Home report published this week, there is sadness in our hearts as we gather, as…
Presider’s Page for 10 January (Baptism of the Lord)
Today we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord: it’s the last day of the Christmas season. The baptism of Jesus marked the end of his quiet years in Nazareth and the start of his public ministry.
Presider’s Page for Wednesday 6 January (Epiphany)
On this feast of the Epiphany we celebrate the revelation of who Christ is. The visit of the Magi from foreign lands reminds us that Jesus came as the Saviour of all nations, including ours. We worship God who wants all people to be saved.
Presider’s Page for 3 January (Second Sunday of Christmas)
Opening Comment We gather to celebrate the first Sunday of 2021, moving with gratitude into a new year of God’s grace. We thank God for the vaccines developed to protect humanity and ask for God’s continuing care and protection until everyone is safe. Confident that God’s mercy has no end,…
Presider’s Page for 1 January 2021 (New Year’s Day)
Happy New Year! On this first day of the Year of Our Lord 2021, we acclaim Mary as Mother of God and ask her to mind us and those we love during this new year. We pray that the world may be freed from COVID-19 through a global programme of…
Presider’s Page for 27 December (Holy Family)
On this first Sunday after Christmas Day, we honour the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. We entrust our families to their patronage, and pray for all who have been part of our families, those still alive and those whom we hope have joined the great family of God…
Presider’s Page for 25 December (‘Day Mass’)
We celebrate today an amazing mystery — God is born in time. The eternal God shares our nature, he has pitched his tent in the midst of humanity. With joy in our hearts, we contemplate the mystery of the Word made flesh.
Presider’s Page for 25 December (‘Dawn Mass’)
We gather with joy in our hearts to celebrate the birthday of our Saviour. The rising sun of this winter morning reminds us that Jesus, who is born for us, rose from death as our undying light, our hope and our salvation.
Presider’s Page for 24 December (‘Night Mass’)
Opening Comment In the dark of this winter night, we proclaim the new light that has shone on the world: Jesus Christ is born! With the angels, we worship God who saves us — for through the life, death and resurrection of this child Jesus, salvation is ours. Alternative Opening…
Presider’s Page for Tuesday 8 December (Immaculate Conception of the BVM)
This feast had its origin in the East as the “Conception of Mary by St Anne.” It spread through the West during the Middle Ages as the “Immaculate Conception” and was extended to the entire Western Church in the eighteenth century. The feast celebrates Mary, preserved from sin from the…
Presider’s Page for 6 December (Second Sunday of Advent)
John the Baptist is the focus of the liturgy on the Second Sunday of Advent each year. His challenge to us to ‘prepare a way for the Lord’ is at the heart of the Advent message. We worship the one who will surely come to us.
Presider’s Page for 29 November (First Sunday of Advent, Year B)
Advent begins today, and with it a new year in the Church’s life. We look forward with hope to the end of time, when Christ will come in glory — and with joy, even in the midst of pandemic, we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ.
Presider’s Page for 22 November (Christ the King)
Today we celebrate the feast of Christ the King. At the end of time, this king will come in glory to judge the living and the dead. He will ask how we treated the hungry and thirsty, the stranger, the naked, those sick or in prison. But in the meantime,…
Presider’s Page for 15 November (33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time: World Day of the Poor)
The end of this year and the beginning of the Advent season is coming closer, and the Liturgy invites us to look further into the future, towards the end of time, to be ready when the Day of the Lord comes. • Today has been designated by Pope Francis as the…
Presider’s Page for 8 November (32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time: Prisoners’ Sunday)
At this time of year, our deceased relatives and friends are often in our minds. Our faith tells us that we needn’t grieve over them like people with no hope. We remember them with love, and entrust them to God’s care.
Presider’s Page for Monday 2 November (All Souls)
On All Saints Day and today, we remember all the dead, those in heaven and those still be on the way there: God alone knows where each soul is. Today we pray for all souls, for the faithful departed still on the journey to their heavenly home.
Presider’s Page for Sunday 1 November (All Saints)
Today and tomorrow we remember all the dead, those in heaven and those still be on the way there: God alone knows where each one is. Today’s feast celebrates the saints in heaven, holy men and women of every time and place: we hope some of our people are among them.
Presider’s Page for 25 October (Ordinary Time 30)
There’s a reminder of the two great commandments in today’s celebration: we are called to love God and our neighbour: friend, visitor and stranger alike.
Presider’s Page for 11 October (Ordinary Time 28)
We gather as fellow-pilgrims at this Sunday’s Eucharist, all journeying to the great banquet of heaven. In our Communion today, we get a taste of what is to come, which will sustain us when we walk in the valley of darkness.
Presider’s Page for 4 October (Ordinary Time 27)
There are reassuring sentiments for us in God’s Word, with Paul reminding us that there is no need for us to worry. If there is anything we need, we can pray for it and God’s peace will be ours. • Today is ‘Day for Life’ in Ireland, with the theme:…
Presider’s Page for 6 September (Ordinary Time 23)
We gather as God’s family, concerned for each other, supporting one another in sadness and joy. The challenge of living as part of the Christian family is laid out for us in today’s readings.
Presider’s Page for 30 August (Ordinary Time 22)
We gather to praise God and to ask for help and grace. We know the difficulties that can come when we try to live the right way. Often the road of life is like the way of the cross.
Presider’s Page for 23 August (Ordinary Time 21)
This hour of worship brings us into the presence of the God whose mystery we can never comprehend. All we have comes from the Lord, and we can only bow down in awe, and bring forward the praise that is due to the Almighty.
Presider’s Page for 16 August (Ordinary Time 20)
Everyone is welcome in God’s house, everyone who loves God’s name. We gather to experience the warmth of this embrace.
Presider’s Page for Saturday 15 August (Assumption of the BVM)
We worship God who brought Mary to the glory of heaven this day. We celebrate her Assumption, the tangible reminder that the resurrection of Jesus brings victory over death for all who believe.
Presider’s Page for 9 August (Ordinary Time 19)
We gather to celebrate our beautiful God, who was revealed to Elijah as a gentle breeze and who calmed the storm on the lake. We are grateful that this God takes our fears away and gives rest to our souls.
Presider’s Page for 2 August (Ordinary Time 18)
Great wonders are proclaimed in today’s Liturgy. God’s love and God’s care for humanity are made manifest.
Presider’s Page for 26 July (Ordinary Time 17)
God has given us many gifts, including the promise that we will share in Christ’s glory. We give thanks for these treasures, as we continue on our journey to the fullness of the kingdom of heaven.
Presider’s Page for 19 July (Ordinary Time 16)
We have been called together by the Spirit of God to celebrate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. The Spirit teaches us to pray, and moves us to glorify the Lord’s name.
Presiders Page for 12 July (Ordinary Time 15)
We gather as pilgrims on a journey, asking God to keep us steadfast until we reach our eternal home. In the Spirit, let us worship God who cares for us according to our needs.
Presider’s Page for 5 July (Ordinary Time 14)
There is much good news in today’s Gospel, which should help to sustain all who are anxious because of the pandemic. We’re told we can bring all our troubles to Jesus and find rest. God will make our burden light. We praise God for the care promised us.
Presider’s Page for 21 June (12th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
We have nothing to be afraid of, we’re told in today’s Gospel. God knows every one of our needs. We gather in prayer, united by our faith, to thank God for this word of encouragement. And on this Father’s Day, we honour the presence and memory of our fathers —…
Presider’s Page for 14 June (‘Corpus Christi’ – the Body of Christ)
Today’s liturgy invites us to reflect on what we have missed these last three months — the weekly gathering of the Body of Christ for Sunday Mass, and the sharing in the Body of Christ in Holy Communion. As we celebrate Corpus Christi today, we pray for a greater appreciation…
Presider’s Page for 7 June (Trinity Sunday)
We reflect on the mystery of God on this Trinity Sunday. We gather to worship the One who creates, redeems and sanctifies, three persons, one God, without end. And we ask God to stay close to us and sustain us in these challenging times.
Presider’s Page for 31 May (Pentecost Sunday)
Today we celebrate the day when the Holy Spirit first came to confused and frightened disciples. We share their fear, and ask for a new outpouring to give us courage and the grace to endure.
Presider’s Page for 24 May (Ascension of the Lord)
We celebrate the Ascension of Jesus today. We remember his sending out of the disciples, and his promise to remain with us always, reassuring words for this dark time.
Presider’s Page for 17 May (Sixth Sunday of Easter)
Each Sunday in Easter time, we celebrate the gifts we receive in Baptism and Confirmation. We rejoice that the Spirit is our Advocate, who continues to support us in the difficulties of life, and particularly in this pandemic.
Presider’s Page for 10 May (Fifth Sunday of Easter)
Today’s liturgy puts the life-giving words of Jesus before us. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, the one in whom we can place all our trust, especially in dark times like these. Because we believe these things, we gather to praise God.
Presider’s Page for 12 April 2020 (Easter Sunday in Pandemic)
This Easter morning we gather for a most unusual Easter celebration. Pandemic threatens to overwhelm, yet the Church insistently proclaims: Christ is risen! We still celebrate the central mystery of our faith, the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. He suffered on the cross and died for us, but now…
Presider’s Page for Thursday 9 April (Holy Thursday)
The liturgy that begins this Tursday evening continues until we reach Easter. We are at the start of a three-day celebration of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. We journey from the Last Supper to Gethsemane tonight, from there to Calvary tomorrow, and from the tomb to resurrection and…
Presider’s Page for 5 April (Palm Sunday)
Today’s liturgy gives us a preview of the events of Holy Week. The passion, death and resurrection of Jesus are the focus of this and every Sunday celebration.
Presider’s Page for 29 March (Fifth Sunday of Lent)
In under a fortnight’s time, the Easter Triduum will begin, on Holy Thursday evening. It will be a Triduum like no other, with no public celebrations because of the Coronavurus pandemic. But in our own homes, each of us can recall the great events that Easter remembers. We ask God’s…
Presider’s Page for 22 March (Fourth Sunday of Lent)
Traditionally, this Sunday is called Laetare Sunday, which means ‘a day for joy’ — although few will feel much joy this year, as the COV-19 epidemic draws ever nearer. But at this midpoint of Lent, it is traditional to honour mothers, treasuring those still with us and praying for those…
Presider’s page for 17 March (Lá ‘Fhéile Pádraig, English & Gaeilge)
In the heart of Lent, we keep the feast of Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. We mark the day by praising God the creator, who sustained Patrick in good times and bad, and who will sustain the Irish even in the face of coronavirus.
Presider’s Page for 15 March (Third Sunday of Lent)
Today’s readings about water and thirst remind us that this is a baptismal season. The holy water of baptism blesses and protects the faithful in every danger, even as the threat of the coronavirus bears down upon our world.
Presider’s Page for 8 March (Second Sunday of Lent)
Now that we are ten days into the season of Lent, our goal is clarified in today’s liturgy. The Gospel of the Transfiguration reminds us that we are destined for glory. Like the disciples, we keep this glimpse of glory in our hearts in the dark days ahead. Resurection will…
Presider’s Page for 1 March (First Sunday of Lent)
We celebrate the first Sunday of Lent. All over the world today, men and women are beginning a period of preparation for their baptism at the Easter Vigil. Like them, we spend Lent preparing to renew our baptismal vows at Easter, looking forward to our blessing with Easter water and…
Presider’s Page for 23 February (Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Loving the enemy and praying for those who make life difficult are two marks of a Christian, or so Jesus teaches us today. We gather, aware of how difficult love can be, yet united by the saving mercy of God, on which we rely.
Presider’s Page for 16 February (Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Today’s readings ask for decisions, challenging Christians to choose the right path. We gather to worship God, who can help us in all our choices.
Presider’s Page for 9 February (Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Over these Sundays, we listen to what Jesus taught in his Sermon on the Mount. In today’s liturgy, we hear that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Rejoicing in this calling, we praise God who sustains us all our days.
Presider’s Page for 2 February (The Presentation of the Lord – Candlemas)
It’s forty days since we celebrated the birth of Jesus at Christmas. Today we remember his Presentation in the Temple. This feast is also called Candlemas; candles are blessed because today Jesus was revealed in the Temple as the light of all peoples.
Presider’s Page for 26 January (Third Sunday in Ordinary Time)
The people that walked in darkness has seen a great light: Jesus, the light of the world, walks among us, preaching a message of repentance. We gather to listen to him, to share the bread of life and to prepare to go out and build up his kingdom.
Presider’s Page for 19 January (Second Sunday in Ordinary Time)
The Christmas Season ended last Sunday, and we have entered Ordinary Time, moving slowly from winter towards spring. The season of Lent begins on the 26th February: between now and then, we learn a little more each Sunday about the life and teachings of Jesus, as St Matthew recorded them.
Presider’s Page for 12 January (Baptism of the Lord)
This feast of the Baptism of the Lord marks the last day of Christmas. At his baptism Jesus sees how much he is loved by God and is given the power to go out and spread the news. We share that power through our baptism.
Presider’s Page for Monday 6 January (Epiphany of the Lord)
On this feast of the Epiphany we celebrate the revelation of who Christ is. The visit of the wise men reminds us that Jesus came as the Saviour of all nations, including ours. We worship God who wants all people to be saved.
Presider’s Page for 5 January (Second Sunday of Christmas)
We gather to celebrate the first Sunday of 2020, with thankfulness for the year just gone. We ask God for continuing care and protection as face this New Year, not knowing what it will bring.
Presider’s Page for New Years Day 2020 (Mary, Mother of God)
Happy New Year! On this first day of the Year of Our Lord 2020, we acclaim Mary as Mother of God and ask her to mind us and those we love during this new year. Today is also World Peace Day, a day during which we pray for peace.
Presider’s Page for Sunday 29 December (Holy Family)
The Holy Family is the focus on the first Sunday after Christmas, so we honour Jesus, Mary and Joseph today. We worship God who shared the life of the human family, and thank God for all the gifts we continue to receive in each other.
Presider’s Page for 25 December (Christmas Day Mass)
We celebrate today an amazing mystery — God is born in time. The eternal God shares our nature, he has pitched his tent in the midst of humanity. With joy in our hearts, we contemplate the mystery of the Word made flesh.
Presider’s Page for 24 December (Christmas Night Mass)
In the dark of this winter night, we proclaim the new light that has shone on the world: Jesus Christ is born! With the angels, we worship God who saves us — for through the life, death and resurrection of this child Jesus, salvation is ours.
Presider’s Page for 22 December (Fourth Sunday of Advent)
The Season of Advent ends on Tuesday, so the celebration of the birth of Christ is now very close. We gather in preparation for that great event, worshipping God who was made flesh to bring us to glory.
Presider’s Page for 15 December (Third Sunday of Advent – ‘Gaudete’)
Traditionally, this Sunday is called Gaudete Sunday, which means ‘a day for rejoicing’. Advent is about half over, and the day of the Lord’s coming is nearer. We worship God who promises us joy without end.
Presider’s Page for 8 December (Second Sunday of Advent)
John the Baptist is the focus of the Gospel reading on the Second Sunday of Advent each year. His words challenge and inspire. We worship God who uses many messengers to call us from darkness to light.
Presider’s Page for 1 December (First Sunday of Advent)
The season of Advent begins today. During the next 24 days we will look forward in hope. We will watch for the end times, when Christ will come in glory, Christ whose birthday we will celebrate very soon.
Presider’s Page for 24 November (Christ the King)
We celebrate the feast of Christ the King this Sunday, remembering that our king’s life ended on a cross. Today we worship this wounded and resurrected God, who promises us a place in Paradise.
Presider’s Page for 17 November (Ordinary Time 33)
The readings this Sunday focus on the end of the world, though we are also reassured that people of faith have nothing to fear. Today is World Day of the Poor, an annual day of significance established by Pope Francis in 2016.
Presider’s Page for 10 November (Ordinary Time 32)
At this time of remembrance, our dead are often in our minds. Today’s readings challenge us to believe in eternal life after death. We worship God who sustains us in this life and promises us a share in the resurrection. • Today is Prisoners’ Sunday
Presider’s Page for 3 November (Ordinary Time 31)
Zacchaeus is the star of today’s Gospel, the man who has been called ‘everybody’s favourite underdog’. Zacchaeus took Jesus at his word and changed his life. We worship God, whose mercy for all people never fails, a mercy on which we rely as we remember our dead….
Presider’s Page for Saturday 2 November (All Souls)
On All Saints Day and today, we remember all the dead, those in heaven and those still be on the way there: God alone knows where each soul is. Today we pray for all souls, for the faithful departed still on the journey to their heavenly home.
Presider’s Page for Friday 1 November (All Saints)
Today and tomorrow we remember all the dead, those in heaven and those still be on the way there: God alone knows where each soul is. Today’s feast celebrates the saints in heaven, the holy men and women of every time and place: we hope some of our people are…
Presider’s Page for 27 October (Ordinary Time 30)
The Gospel story of the Pharisee and the tax collector is read today. It reminds us of the value of being humble before God. In today’s gathering, we praise God who is always merciful to us. Penitential Rite: To begin, we recall our sins in the context of divine mercy:…
Presider’s Page for 20 October (Mission Sunday)
Today is World Mission Sunday, which this year has the theme: “TOGETHER WE ARE MISSION, changing the lives of others!” The readings point to the value of persistent prayer, which can be a real support to missionaries in their work. If you want results, pray without ceasing, says Jesus. God…
Presider’s Page for 13 October (Ordinary Time 28)
The Gospel gives the story of the ten lepers, of whom only one came back to thank Jesus. We praise and thank God who continues to do great things for all peoples.
Presider’s Page for 6 October (Ordinary Time 27)
The Spirit of God lives in us, inspiring us and guarding us. In the Spirit, we worship our creator and entrust ourselves to the Lord’s loving care. • ‘Day for Life’ is celebrated today by the Church in Ireland, focussing on the theme: ‘The Scourge of Domestic Abuse’.
Presider’s Page for 29 September (Ordinary Time 26)
Today’s readings remind us that God is on the side of the poor, defending their rights. • Today is the 105th World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
Presider’s Page for 22 September (Ordinary Time 25)
We gather to worship the Lord of glory, asking for help to be God’s servants before all else.
Presider’s Page for 15 September (Ordinary Time 24)
Our God seeks out sinners to forgive them. At this Sunday’s gathering, we worship our loving and compassionate God.
Presider’s Page for 15 September (Ordinary Time 24)
Our God seeks out sinners to forgive them. At this Sunday’s gathering, we worship our loving and compassionate God.
Editor's Choice, Liturgy, Presider's Page, Sunday Homily Resources
Presider’s Page for 8 September (Ordinary Time 23)
We gather to listen to God’s challenging words and to ask the grace of repentance from God who loves us first.
Presider’s Page for 1 September (Ordinary Time 22)
Who gets the places of honour in God’s house, the pushy or the humble? The Word of God in this Sunday’s Mass teaches us that the humble are the ones who find favour with God.
Presider’s Page for 25 August (Ordinary Time 21)
Our God is a gracious God, who throws open the doors to the Kingdom to all of humanity. We gather to worship this compassionate king
Presider’s Page for 18 August (Ordinary Time 20)
Following Jesus may not bring us happiness in this life, but we are challenged to follow him nevertheless. We come together to worship our gracious God and to ask for help in our Christian life this week.
Presider’s Page for 11 August (Ordinary Time 19)
We are challenged by today’s Gospel to stand ready for our Master’s return in glory. We gather to worship God who sustains us all the days of our life, and beyond.
Presider’s Page for 28 July (Ordinary Time 17)
We can ask God for help whenever we need to, today or any day. We gather this Sunday to worship God who is always concerned for us.
Presider’s Page for 21 July (Ordinary Time 16)
As we gather for Mass today, we are challenged to be hospitable, welcoming people. We worship the God who always has a welcome for us.
Presider’s Page for 14 July (Ordinary Time 15)
The beautiful story of the Good Samaritan is told again at today’s Mass, with its challenge to us to look after others, as the Good Samaritan did. We gather to worship God who showed us what love means.
Presider’s Page for 7 July (Ordinary Time 14)
We gather for Mass to praise God’s faithfulness, and to ask for grace in the work we’re called to do.
Presider’s Page for 30 June (Ordinary Time 13)
Now that the great feasts of Easter and the Sundays following it are behind us, we return to Ordinary Time and reflect on the challenges to disciples found in the Gospel of Luke. At today’s gathering, we’re challenged us to look carefully at our commitment to our faith. We worship…
Presider’s Page for 23 June (Corpus Christi)
Since the beginning of time, God has always nourished his people. Today we celebrate our creator’s kindness in giving us the Body and Blood of Christ to our food.
Presider’s Page for 16 June (Trinity Sunday)
Today is Trinity Sunday. We worship God who creates, redeems and sanctifies: three persons, one God.
Presider’s Page for 5 May (Third Sunday of Easter)
We’re two weeks into the Easter season now, but the Good News of the season continues to reverberate in the Liturgy. Joyfully we worship God who raised our Saviour from the dead.
Presider’s Page for 28 April (Second Sunday of Easter)
Even though Easter Week is now behind us, today’s liturgy still overflows with the joy of Jesus’ resurrection. We continue to celebrate that great event for the next six weeks, until Pentecost Sunday on the 20th of May, the fiftieth and final day of Easter.
Presider’s Page for 7 April (Fifth Sunday of Lent)
This fifth Sunday of Lent, we gather to worship our compassionate God, who heals our sinfulness and challenges us to leave our sinfulness behind.
Presider’s Page for 25 November (Christ the King)
We celebrate the feast of Christ the King today, acclaiming Jesus as our king, the one who died for us and rose triumphant. We offer praise and worship — and ask for the grace to live as worthy citizens of his kingdom of justice, truth, love and peace.
Presider’s Page for 25 March (Palm Sunday)
Today’s liturgy gives a preview of the events we will celebrate between Holy Thursday and Easter Sunday: the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. These events are also the focus of this and every Sunday celebration. We ask for God’s help in understanding their significance.