Presider’s Page for 21 January (Ordinary Time 3)

SONGS AT MASS: (Suggestions) ‘Here I am, Lord’; Praise to the Lord’; ‘Go Tell Everyone’; ‘How Great Thou Art’.

Opening Comment
The calling of Andrew and his brother Peter is described in today’s Gospel. Like those early disciples, we too are called. As believers, we gather here to listen to God’s word, resolving to put it into practice in the coming week.
• The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity continues till Thursday next.

Alternative Opening Prayer (from the 1998 ICEL Missal)
Your sovereign rule, O God,
draws near to us
in the person of Jesus your Son.
Your word summons us to faith,
your power transforms our lives.

Free us to follow in Christ’s footsteps,
so that neither human loyalty
nor earthly attachment
may hold us back from answering your call.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever.

Introduction to the Scripture Readings
Jonah 3:1-5, 10 — Jonah’s mission to the people of Nineveh is described, and their immediate response to his call to repentance.
I Corinthians 7:29-31 — Paul wrote this letter, believing that the end of the world wasn’t far away. So he asked people to concentrate their whole energies on the things of the spirit.
Mark 1:14-20 — For most of this year, we will read from Mark’s Gospel, the first to be written and the shortest. We begin the journey through that Gospel today, hearing Jesus’ message of repentance and his calling of the first disciples.


Introduction (by the Presider) The Lord has shown us love from of old, so we ask with confidence that our prayers be heard:

  1. That all Christians may have the enthusiasm of the early disciples (pause for prayer). Lord, hear us.
  2. That full unity among the followers of Christ may draw closer (pause for prayer). Lord, hear us.
  3. That Pope Francis may have God’s help in his mission (pause for prayer). Lord, hear us.
  4. That people who live in great cities like Nineveh may experience friendship and kindness (pause for prayer). Lord, hear us.
  5. That those who earn their living from the sea may be protected from every danger (pause for prayer). Lord, hear us.
  6. That all who are suffering from the flu and other illnesses may experience God’s healing (pause for prayer). Lord, hear us.

The Presider prays for the dead: That our dead may enter the presence of God, (especially N and N who died during the week, and N and N whose anniversaries occur) (pause for prayer). Lord, hear us.

Conclusion (by the Presider) Remember your mercy, O Lord, and the love you have shown from of old: hear the prayers we make, and grant them, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer over the gifts
In your kindness, Lord,
accept our gifts and make them holy,
that they may become the sacrament of our salvation.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Eucharistic Prayer, from those for use in Masses for Various Needs I: “The Church on the Path of Unity” (Roman Missal 2011, page 659) or as below from the 1998 ICEL Missal (The Church on the Way to Unity):
It is truly right to give you thanks,
Father of infinite goodness,
it is fitting that we sing of your glory.
Through the gospel proclaimed by your Son
you have brought together in one Church
people of every nation, culture, and tongue.
Into it you breathe the power of your Spirit,
that in every age
your children may be gathered as one.
Your Church bears steadfast witness to your love.
It nourishes our hope for the coming of your kingdom
and is a radiant sign of the lasting covenant
you promised us in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Therefore heaven and earth sing forth your praise
while we, with all the Church,
proclaim your glory without end: Holy, holy, holy…..

Holy indeed are you, Lord God,
and greatly to be praised:
your faithful love attends us
as we journey through life.
Blessed is your Son, Jesus Christ,
who is present among us
when his love gathers us together.
As once he did for his disciples,
Christ now opens the scriptures for us
and breaks the bread.
Therefore we ask you, merciful Father:
send down your Holy Spirit
to hallow these gifts of bread and wine,
that they may become for us
the body + and blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

On the eve of his passion and death,
while at table with those he loved,
he took bread and gave you thanks;
he broke the bread,
gave it to his disciples, and said:

When supper was ended, he took the cup;
and, handing the cup to his disciples, he said:

The mystery of faith

And so, Father most holy,
we celebrate the memory of Christ, your Son,
whom you led through suffering and death on the cross
to the glory of the resurrection
and a place at your right hand.
Until Jesus, our Saviour, comes again,
we proclaim the work of your love,
offering you the bread of life and the cup of blessing.
Look with favour on the offering of your Church
in which we show forth the paschal sacrifice of Christ
that was handed on to us.
Through the power of your Spirit of love
count us both now and for ever
among the members of your Son,
whose body and blood we share.

Renew by the light of the gospel
the Church of N. [insert name of diocese or country]
Strengthen the bonds of unity between
the faithful and their pastors,
that together with Francis our Pope, N. our Bishop,
and the whole college of bishops,
your people may stand forth
as a sign of oneness and peace
in a world torn by conflict and strife.

Be mindful of our brothers and sisters [N. and N.],
who have fallen asleep in the peace of Christ,
and all the dead whose faith is known only to you.
Lead them to the fullness of the resurrection
and gladden them with the light of your face.
When our pilgrimage on earth is ended,
welcome us into your heavenly home
to dwell with you for ever.
There, with Mary, the virgin Mother of God,
with the apostles, the martyrs,
[Saint Agnes,] and all the saints,
we shall glorify your name and give you praise
through Jesus Christ, your Son.

Through him, with him, In him,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
all glory and honour is yours, almighty Father,
for ever and ever.

Prayer after Comunion
Grant, all-powerful God,
that we who receive in this eucharist
your life-giving grace
may always delight in your blessings.
We make our prayer in the name of Jesus, the Lord.


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