Presider’s Page for 6 December (Advent 2)

Opening Comment
It’s just one week since the season of Advent began. Our time of waiting continues. We try to prepare a way for the Lord, encountering John the Baptist, his messenger, during this Sunday’s liturgy.

Alternative Opening Prayer (from 1998 ICEL Missal)
God of our salvation,
you straighten the winding ways of our hearts
and smooth the paths made rough by sin.
Make our conduct blameless,
keep our hearts watchful in holiness,
and bring to perfection the good you have begun in us.
We ask this through him whose coming is certain,
whose day draws near:
your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever.

Introduction to the Scripture Readings
Baruch 5:1-9 Baruch looks to the day when God will guide all people, bringing them joy.
Philippians 1:3-6, 8-11 Paul encourages the people of Philippi, and tells them to prepare inwardly for the ‘Day of Christ Jesus’.
Luke 3:1-6 John the Baptist’s words and actions remind the people of Isaiah’s call to repentance.


Introduction (by the Presider) God has worked marvels for us, so we present our needs with confidence.

  1. That the climate change talks in Paris may succeed (pause for quiet prayer). Lord, hear us.
  2. That all Christians may care for our common home on this planet (pause for quiet prayer). Lord, hear us.
  3. That the mercy of God may fill the whole earth (pause for quiet prayer). Lord, hear us.
  4. That we may prepare well for the coming of Christ (pause for quiet prayer). Lord, hear us.
  5. That those who are sick or troubled may be healed (pause for quiet prayer). Lord, hear us.
  6. That expectant mothers may have the joy of a safe delivery, as Mary had (pause for quiet prayer). Lord, hear us.

The presider prays for the dead (especially N and N), and for children who have died just before or close to the time of birth, that God may reunite us all in the joy of the Kingdom (pause for quiet prayer). Lord, hear us.

Conclusion (by the Presider) Eternal God, your kindness fills your people with expectation, hear our prayers and help us in our needs, we pray, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Preface of Advent II
It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give you thanks,
holy Father, almighty and eternal God,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
When first he came among us
in the lowliness of human flesh,
he fulfilled the plan you formed long ago
and opened for us the way to salvation.
Now, hoping that the salvation promised us will be ours,
we watch for the day
when Christ will come again in majesty and glory.
And so, with angels and archangels,
with all the heavenly host,
we proclaim your glory
and join their unending chorus of praise: Holy, holy, holy……

Solemn Blessing for Advent
Bow your heads for God’s blessing.
The priest says the solemn blessing with hands outstretched over the people.

We rejoice at the coming of the Saviour in our flesh,
and we await his return again in glory.

May God the almighty and merciful
bless you by the light of Christ’s coming,
and enrich your lives with every grace. R. Amen.

May God make you steadfast in faith,
joyful in hope,
and untiring in love all the days of your life. R. Amen.

May God reward you with eternal life
when our Redeemer comes again in glory. R. Amen.

A May almighty God bless you,
the Father, and the Son, + and the Holy Spirit.
B May the blessing of almighty God,
the Father, and the Son, + and the Holy Spirit,
come upon you and remain with you for ever.
R. Amen.

Songs at Mass (Suggestions): O Come O Come Emmanuel; Sing a New Song Unto the Lord; On Jordan’s Bank; Christ be our Light.

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