Saturday 15th January

Hebrews 4:12ff. God’s word is a two-edged sword, penetrating soul and spirit; our compassionate high priest sympathises with our weakness. Mark 2:13ff. Jesus calls a tax collector to join him as a disciple, and then proceeds to dine with Matthew/Levi and his friends. Both by word and action he calls sinners, not the self-righteous. Qualities…

Friday 14th January

Hebrews 4:1ff. Through obedient faith, directed especially towards Jesus, we enter into our “rest” – a state of fulfilment that echoes God’s celebration of creation, on the seventh day. Mark 2:1ff. A crowd gathers round Jesus, at his lakeside home in Capernaum; he heals a paralytic after first forgiving his sins. Getting the balance right…

Thursday 13th January

Hebrews 3:7ff. Our hearts are to be open, with confidence towards God today, not hardened, doubting and complaining. Mark 1:40ff. Jesus touches and cures the leper; the man ignores his instructions and proceeds to tell everyone about it. Discerning true from false religiosity The Scripture today invites us to evaluate our reliance on externals, whether…

Saturday 8th January

“Noblesse Oblige” Today’s first reading, surely, is among the finest moral exhortations in the whole Bible. Human beings are called and graced into the image of God; and since God’s essence is love, God’s children must be characterised by their spirit of love. The quality is also how we “live through him” that is, through…

Friday 7th January

As one community contracts, another expands In spite of its fervent adherence to the person of Jesus and its high ideals of community purity and fraternal love, it is clear from the letters that the Johannine community suffered from grave internal tensions, which eventually led to its break-up, amid reproaches and recrimination. The beginnings of…