30 July, 2013. Tuesday of the Seventeenth Week
The Way of the LORD’s Covenant
The giving of the Law is reported in Exodus chapters 19-24, but the theological commentary on it (chapters 32-34) is key to the entire Book of Exodus
29 July, 2013 (Monday). St. Martha, Memorial
Martha, the Cheerfully Practical One
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 28 July (Presider’s Page)
We can ask God for help whenever we need to, today or any day. This Sunday, we gather to worship God who is always concerned for us.
28 July 2013. 17th Sunday (Homily notes)
Joined Together in Faith and Prayer
27 July, 2013. Saturday of the Sixteenth Week
A Covenant of Justice
26 July, 2013. Friday of the Sixteenth Week
Fundamentals of Faith
25 July, 2013. Monday, Feast of St James, Apostle
Patron of environmentally friendly tourism
24 July, 2013. Wednesday of the Sixteenth Week
Perseverance has its Reward
23 July, 2013. Tuesday, Feast of St Bridget of Sweden
Bridget for today
22 July, 2013. Monday, Feast of St Mary Magdalene
A woman of faith and love
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Presider’s Page
As we gather on this Summer Sunday, we are challenged to be hospitable, welcoming people. We worship the God who always has a welcome for us.
21 July 2013. 16th Sunday of Year C.
A House of Hospitality
20 July, 2013. Saturday of the Fifteenth Week
Our racial attitudes
19 July, 2013. Friday of the Fifteenth Week
Celebrating Life
18 July, 2013. Thursday of the Fifteenth Week
The Ever-Present One
17 July, 2013. Wednesday of the Fifteenth Week
Who can be God’s Instruments?
16 July, 2013. Tuesday of the Fifteenth Week
Faith and Miracles
15 July, 2013. Monday of the Fifteenth Week
Peace and Conflict
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Presider’s Page
The beautiful story of the Good Samaritan is told again at today’s Mass, with its challenge to us to look after others, as the Good Samaritan did. We gather to worship God who showed us what love means.