15th Sunday Ordinary Time
OPENING COMMENT FOR MASS: God has blessed us in very many ways: God has showered grace upon us. During today’s gathering, we give thanks to the Lord for all we have received.
July 14. Saturday of Week Fourteen
A Life of quiet Courage
July 13. Friday of Week Fourteen
Tears of Joy
July 12. Thursday of Week Fourteen
God’s Boundless Compassion
July 11. Wednesday. St Benedict, Patron of Europe: Feast
The Father of Western Monasticism
July 10. Tuesday of Week Fourteen
He had compassion for them
July 09. Monday of Week Fourteen
Problems in the Family
8 July. 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Use it or lose it
14th Sunday Ordinary Time
OPENING COMMENT FOR MASS: As weak and sinful people, we gather to ask the Lord’s mercy. We know his grace is sufficient for us. Together, we praise and thank our God for the constant care we receive.
July 07. Saturday of Week Thirteen
Things Old and New
July 06. Friday of Week Thirteen
A Breaking with the Past
July 05. Thursday of Week Thirteen
Misguided Orthodoxy
July 04. Wednesday of Week Thirteen
The Liberator-God
July 03. Tuesday. St Thomas, Apostle
Holy Skepticism
July 02. Monday of Week Thirteen
Arguing with God
Liturgy suggestions for Summer Sundays
Bidding prayers etc for the Sundays of July are given below, beginning with next Sunday. After the suggestions for Sunday 29 July, you’ll find texts to help you welcome summer visitors from abroad.
13th Sunday Ordinary Time
OPENING COMMENT FOR MASS: On this first Sunday of July, we give thanks to God for all the gifts we enjoy. We rejoice in God’s saving power: death itself is in his hand and all the living depend on God alone.
1st July. 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Friends of God