Bidding Prayers for 5 February (Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Bidding Prayers for 5 February (Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
BIDDING PRAYERS for Sunday Mass on 5 February
Introduction (by the Presider) Let us bring our prayers to the Lord, in whom we place our trust:
- For peace in the Middle East (pause for five seconds). Lord, hear us
- For an end to war in Ukraine (pause for five seconds). Lord, hear us.
- For a welcome for refugees in Ireland (pause for five seconds). Lord hear us.
- For a spirit of kindness in our country (pause for five seconds). Lord hear us
- For healing for people who are sick (pause for five seconds). Lord hear us.
- That all who follow Christ may light up the world (pause for five seconds). Lord hear us.
The Presider prays for the dead: For those who have died (especially N.& N. who died recently and N. & N. whose anniversaries occur), that they may praise God for ever in heaven (pause for quiet prayer) Lord, hear us.
Conclusion (by the Presider) O God, you are the light that makes clear our way before us, listen to the prayers we make, through Christ our Lord. Amen.