04 May, 2020. Monday of Week 4 of Easter
He is the gateway through whom God comes to us and we come to God. He is the open gate into the kingdom of God. People can go freely in and out through him and experience God through him
He is the gateway through whom God comes to us and we come to God. He is the open gate into the kingdom of God. People can go freely in and out through him and experience God through him
The fourth Sunday of Easter is often called Good Shepherd Sunday, because the readings are about the care we receive from Christ, our true shepherd. We rejoice that this pastoral care continues in the loviong tenderness extended by many Christian women and men today. Today is also the day of prayer for vocations.
The parish is a priestly people. How will the priesthood of the baptised be exercised in the coming decades?…
We can do no better than to make Peter’s words our own: ‘Lord, you have the message of eternal life’…
We receive the holy Eucharist in order to draw life from Christ, as branches draw life from the vine…
During the Easter season the Church continues to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, even in these dark pandemic days. Today, we join together to worship God, who has brought about the great victory over sin and death in which we hope.
Even though Easter Week is now behind us, today’s liturgy is still filled with Jesus’ resurrection. We continue to celebrate that great event for the next six weeks, until Pentecost Sundayon the last day of May, the fiftieth and final day of Easter.