02 June, 2018. Sat. of Week 8

(Ss Marcellinus and Peter, martyrs) 1st Reading. Epistle of Jude (verses 17, 20-25) Look to the mercy of Our Lord Jesus Christ My beloved, you must remember the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. But build yourselves up on your most holy faith; pray in the Holy Spirit; keep yourselves in the…

01 June, 2018. Friday of Week 8

(St Justin, Martyr. Memorial) 1st Reading: 1 Peter (4:7-13) Rejoice, for you are sharing Christ’s sufferings The end of all things is near. Therefore be serious and discipline yourselves for the sake of your prayers. Above all, let your love for one another be constant, for love covers a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to…

30 May, 2018. Wed. of Week 8

1st Reading: 1 Peter (1:18-25) We are ransomed with the precious blood of Christ You know that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your ancestors, not with perishable things like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without defect or blemish. He was destined…

29 May, 2018. Tue. of Week 8

1st Reading: 1 Peter (1:10-16) The Passion of Christ was foretold. Christians are called to a holy life Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied of the grace that was to be yours made careful search and inquiry, inquiring about the person or time that the Spirit of Christ within them indicated when it testified…

26 May, 2018. Sat. of Week 7

(Saint Philip Neri, priest) 1st Reading: James (5:13-20) The place of anointing and of mutual instruction in the community of faith Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise. Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them…

25 May, 2018. Fri. of Week 7

(Saint Bede the Venerable, doctor of the Church; Saint Gregory VII, pope; Saint Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, virgin) 1st Reading: James (5:9-12) Take the prophets as models of courage and speaking the truth Beloved, do not grumble against one another, so that you may not be judged. See, the Judge is sanding at the doors!…

23 May, 2018. Wednesday Week 7

(Saint Bede the Venerable; Saint Gregory VII; Saint Mary Magdalene de Pazzi) 1st Reading: James (4:1-10) A call to sincerity, humility and fidelity, avoiding selfishness Those conflicts and disputes among you, where do they come from? Do they not come from your ravings that are at war within you? You want something and do not…

22 May, 2018. Tue. of Week 7

(Saint Rita of Cascia, religious) 1st Reading: James (4:1-10) A call to sincerity and fidelity, and to set aside selfishness Those conflicts and disputes among you, where do they come from? Do they not come from your ravings that are at war within you? You want something and do not have it; so you commit…