03 April, 2020. Friday of Week 5 of Lent
The will of God the Creator will always be mysterious to us, and particularly in a time of worldwide disaster such as the Covid pandemic or the dire state of our global environment. But Jesus has partially unveiled that mystery, in order to draw us into the life of God. He has revealed that God is, ultimately, mysteriously, infinite love….
Presider’s Page for 29 March (Fifth Sunday of Lent)
In under a fortnight’s time, the Easter Triduum will begin, on Holy Thursday evening. It will be a Triduum like no other, with no public celebrations because of the Coronavurus pandemic. But in our own homes, each of us can recall the great events that Easter remembers. We ask God’s help in the last 10 days of Lent.
Presider’s Page for 22 March (Fourth Sunday of Lent)
Traditionally, this Sunday is called Laetare Sunday, which means ‘a day for joy’ — although few will feel much joy this year, as the COV-19 epidemic draws ever nearer. But at this midpoint of Lent, it is traditional to honour mothers, treasuring those still with us and praying for those we have lost to death.