18 June 2019. Tuesday of Week 11
The normal human tendency is to limit our goodwill to those who show us warmth and affection…
The normal human tendency is to limit our goodwill to those who show us warmth and affection…
It is the hardest challenge to remain good in the face of evil, to remain loving in the face of hostility, to be peacemakers in a hostile world…
Today is Trinity Sunday. We worship God who creates, redeems and sanctifies: three persons, one God.
The Holy Trinity, the inner self-communication of God, is a profound mystery: how God can be one divinity, shared between three persons….
Jesus wants our YES to mean YES and our NO to mean NO. We are to be reliable and to live with integrity…
We are not literally to gouge out an eye or to hack off a hand, lest they lead us into temptation… But sin is still serious…
As Moses came down from Mount Sinai, his skin glowed so brightly that ever afterwards he had to veil his face…
If St. Paul’s text today reflects serious tensions in the church, the Gospel speaks of fulfilment and accomplishment…
Barnabas was among the most amiable, life-affirming members of the early Church. Luke calls him “a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith.” …
A too masculine Church can become “a church of old bachelors, incapable of love, incapable of fruitfulness.” (pope Francis)
Today is Pentecost Sunday, the 50th day of Easter. We celebrate the completion of the Easter mystery in the coming of the Holy Spirit — and ask for the gift of that same Spirit as we gather today.
The Spirit was breathing where he would and the prayer “Jesus is Lord” would be their motto. They stayed drunk for life, in this sense…
The “Journey” of Jesus must go on in our lives. Every experience, easy or difficult, is bringing us toward the new “Jerusalem,” or new “Rome” that is our destiny…
When the One who loves us asks, “Do you love me?” it is not an accusing question. It is calling us back if, for whatever reason, we have drifted away…
Do we share the wish to be fully united? Unity is demanded of disciples, a vital value for evangelism — “that they may be one in us, so that the world may believe..
Paul quotes as a maxim of Jesus, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” This saying is not in any of our four gospels…
Those were famous last words, from Paul and from Jesus. Each states that his mission in life has been carried out..
It seems that Jesus was “speaking plainly,” but what he said during the Last Supper often baffles us, as it did the disciples. How will they find peace..
Remembering and celebrating Jesus’ Ascension today, we worship the God of timeless glory.
“You will be clothed with power from on high” — this is how St Luke interprets the Lord’s Last Will and Testament…