15 May, 2019. Wednesday, 4th Week of Easter
Jesus’ personality was formed by his attentiveness to the Father, knowing himself sent by the Father, and making this the focus of his life….
Jesus’ personality was formed by his attentiveness to the Father, knowing himself sent by the Father, and making this the focus of his life….
The essential requirement was to be an eyewitness to the resurrection. Matthias had followed Jesus from the star and followed our Lord on his travels…
Leaving Jerusalem for coastal Caesarea to tend Christ’s flock, Peter found himself addressing a gentile household…
On the fourth Sunday of Easter each year, we honour the Risen Lord as our Good Shepherd. Today is the day of prayer for vocations to priesthood and religious life: we pray that God will give the Church men and women formed in the image of the Good Shepherd, who will be the priests and religious of the future.
Church leaders need to think soberly about the structures that can help foster genuine vocations to ministry in the future. It may well be that celibacy..
Through the Easter season the risen Christ calls on what seems dead within us, to make us blossom into new existence…
Once Paul was converted, there were consequences for both for himself and for the church. A new view of Christianity had to be agreed…
Like the Ethiopian we must be “God-fearers,” seeking to know what God is saying and doing in our lives. Like this pilgrim, we …
Easter celebrates the total faithfulness of God to his Son Jesus, and to all of us. This encourages we keep turning back to him, trusting him…
Even so devout a Jew as Saul of Tarsus gave his full approval to stoning to death a man he considered to be promoting heresy…
We only see people and things in their true nature if we take the trouble to really look, with an open mind. The Sanhedrin looked on the face of Stephen, and it seemed…
We’re two weeks into the Easter season now, but the Good News of the season continues to reverberate in the Liturgy. Joyfully we worship God who raised our Saviour from the dead.
Today’s story reflects the miracle of salvation as an offer. Through his church, Christ has thrown over us his net of salvation, a net of grace…
There’s encouragement in this story of Jesus walking on the water. We do not know what God will do, to heal our Church of our present malaise…
Seeing Saint James chairing the first church Council in Jerusalem surprises many people, who think mainly of Peter as leading the church after Christ…
“We must obey God rather than any human authority.” How can we distinguish fortitude from stubbornness, courage from love of confrontation? Is there any way to be sure that our convictions are from God…
Our Lord wants all people to come out into the light that he sheds. People who live by the truth should come out into the light, and live the values he taught us…
Even though most of us like the light, the gospel notes a sense in which people seem to prefer darkness to light.
Catherine’s advice: “Build a cell inside your mind, from which you can never flee.”
Even though Easter Week is now behind us, today’s liturgy still overflows with the joy of Jesus’ resurrection. We continue to celebrate that great event for the next six weeks, until Pentecost Sunday on the 20th of May, the fiftieth and final day of Easter.