13 July, 2020. Monday of Week 15
13 July, 2020. Monday of Week 15
13 July, 2020. Monday of Week 15
We gather as pilgrims on a journey, asking God to keep us steadfast until we reach our eternal home. In the Spirit, let us worship God who cares for us according to our needs.
12 July, 2020. 15th Sunday, Year A
11 July, 2020. (Saturday)
Saint Benedict, patron of Europe
10 July, 2020. Friday of Week 14
09 July, 2020. Thursday of Week 14
08 July, 2020. Wednesday of Week 14
07 July, 2020. Tuesday of Week 14
06 July, 2020. Monday of Week 14
There is much good news in today’s Gospel, which should help to sustain all who are anxious because of the pandemic. We’re told we can bring all our troubles to Jesus and find rest. God will make our burden light. We praise God for the care promised us.
05 July, 2020. 14th Sunday, Year A
04 July, 2020. Saturday of Week 13
03 July, 2020. (Fri.) Saint Thomas, Apostle
02 July, 2020. Thursday of Week 13
St Oliver Plunkett, bishop and martyr (Memorial)
The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church (Opt. Mem.) 1st Reading: Amos 3:1-8. 4:11-12 Amos warns of the need for conversion Hear this word that the Lord has spoken against you, O people of Israel, Â against the whole family that I brought up out of the land of Egypt: You only have I known…
29 June, 2020. Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
We’re told in today’s first reading that unexpected blessings can come our way when we least expect them. As we move from lockdown to a ‘new normal’ during this pandemic, we give thanks for the unexpected blessings the period of lockdown brought…
28 June, 2020. 13th Sunday, Year A
27 June, 2020. Saturday of Week 12