31st December. Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas
Positive Thinking: Tomorrow we begin the new year 2015. Even though we are in mid winter, we know that each day is now that little bit longer than the previous one….
Positive Thinking: Tomorrow we begin the new year 2015. Even though we are in mid winter, we know that each day is now that little bit longer than the previous one….
The widow Anna in today’s gospel is one of those lovely characters that feature in Luke’s stories about Jesus’ childhood. What distinguishes Anna from the others is her age, eighty four years old, and . .
Holding the Child: Babies are endlessly fascinating; they engage us at so many levels. There is something about holding this bundle of new life which is very special. We focus on them and…
On this first Sunday after Christmas, we honour the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. We entrust our families to their patronage, and pray for all who have been part of our families, those still alive and those whom we hope have joined the great family of God in heaven.
A family tested and tried: While the family life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph is put before us as a model to imitate, this does not mean that they were exempt from the problems and difficulties that every family must face . . .
He who recognised: It is right to celebrate Saint John the evangelist soon after Christmas Day. The opening lines of his gospel sum up in a few words what we are celebrating at Christmas, ‘the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.’ This, the last of the four gospels to be written, is based on the…
The power of example: The one who would later become great missionary Saint Paul was present at the death of Stephen and entirely approved of the killing. Saul would go on to become the great apostle to the Gentiles. Perhaps the courageous witness of Stephen left some kind of impression on Saul and sowed a seed which would later bear much fruit…
The Word of Life:
Words are important at this Christmas time of the year, both the spoken and the written word. This is especially clear in our efforts to speak to those close to us…
Zechariah who has had nothing to say since the annunciation of John’s birth because he was struck dumb now breaks out into a great hymn of praise. At the beginning and the end of his hymn he refers to God’s visitation of his people…
A costly Yes to God: The gospel records the moment when Mary said “yes” to God’s call to be the mother of God’s Son. It suggests that her “yes” did not come without a struggle. When God first spoke to her through the angel Gabriel, Mary was “deeply disturbed” . . .
The Converter of Hearts: Christians have seen in John the Baptist the messenger promised by Malachi, preparing for the Lord to “suddenly come to his temple. ” In other words, John was the messenger of the covenant, now offered to us all, in the Jesus in whom we delight. ..
Advent is drawing to a close, so we have just a few days left to prepare for the birth of Christ. On this Sunday, we’re invited to follow Mary’s example and imitate her faith.
Receiving the Grace of God …We are only four days from Christmas. We have lit our fourth Advent candle. On Christmas day, we will light the final candle on the Advent wreath, the white candle…
Luke’s account of the annunciation concludes with Mary’s total response of acceptance, “I am the handmaid of the Lord, let what you have said be done to me.” Greatly favoured, she responds generously, with her whole life, to the grace she has received. For St. Luke, Mary is not simply the mother of Jesus; she is the perfect disciple of Jesus…
Luke has annunciation stories to both Zechariah and Mary, in parallel yet distinctive accounts. Each is startled at the angel’s appearance. Gabriel instructs each not to be afraid…
Joseph: God’s devoted servant. Today we find Joseph struggling to do the right thing, what he believed God wanted of him. Mary’s unexplained pregnancy left him in a very difficult situation…
Believe the Good News: The angel Gabriel is sent to Zechariah to bring him the good news that his wife, Elizabeth, who has been barren will soon give birth to a son, and a special son at that, someone whose calling it would be to prepare for the Lord a people fit for him. However, this good news was too much for Zechariah to hear and he could not bring himself to believe…
We value people who keep their word to us. We appreciate those who are true to the promises that they make to us. The Lord also appreciates our efforts to be true to the promises we make to him. In the parable in the gospel today, one of the sons of the father
Facing up to the truth: We must be honest with ourselves, with others and with God who is over all. We cannot forever dodge questions, camouflage the truth, and bluff our way along. ..
We’re half way through Advent. Traditionally, today is called Gaudete Sunday, which means ‘a day for rejoicing.’ The reason for celebration is that the day of the Lord’s coming is nearer.