08 June, 2020. Monday of Week 10
08 June, 2020. Monday of Week 10
08 June, 2020. Monday of Week 10
We reflect on the mystery of God on this Trinity Sunday. We gather to worship the One who creates, redeems and sanctifies, three persons, one God, without end. And we ask God to stay close to us and sustain us in these challenging times.
The Most Holy Trinity
06 June, 2020. Saturday of Week 9
05 June, 2020. Friday of Week 9
04 June, 2020. Thursday of Week 9
03 June, 2020. Wednesday of Week 9
02 June, 2020. Tuesday of Week 9
01 June 2020: Monday Week 9
Today we celebrate the day when the Holy Spirit first came to confused and frightened disciples. We share their fear, and ask for a new outpouring to give us courage and the grace to endure.
On Pentecost day humanity appears at its best, Spirit-inspired, united and sharing in wisdom…
God has something for each of us to do that no one else can do. Like Peter, we need to discern the particular calling the Lord has given to us personally…
The risen Lord asks all of us the same question he put to Peter, "Do you love me?" It is not an accusation but it calls us back into his friendship if in any way we have let him down.
Looking at the barriers often to ecumenical progress, we must hope our leaders realise that unity can only be reached by generous dialogue, not imposed by authority.
Jesus and Paul endorsed the Jewish tradition of intercessory prayer. Praying for others is one a way to express our communion with them in Christ…
Hopefully there will come a day when, like Jesus, we too can turn to God and say, "I have finished the work you gave me to do
Even when alone, we are always in the presence of God, and living members of that family of love. This awareness can bring us a special kind of peace..
We celebrate the Ascension of Jesus today. We remember his sending out of the disciples, and his promise to remain with us always, reassuring words for this dark time.
If we treasure it, we can experience fully that "Joy of the Gospel" so warmly described for us by our good Pope Francis….
To realise the full scope of our personal mission, we need to surrender to where grace will lead us….