17th April. Friday of Week 2 of Easter
Sharing our resources
Today we find Jesus and his disciples faced with a hungry crowd and little or no means of feeding them. In this situation of need, people reacted in different ways. Philip made a calculation: on the basis of the number of people and the amount of money available to buy food, and decided that nothing could be done. Andrew recognized that one of the crowd had a small amount of food but he dismissed this small resource…
16th April. Thursday of Week 2 of Easter
Speaking our truth with love
It can be hard to distinguish inner strength from a stubborn spirit of confrontation. How can we know if our convictions are from God and should be obeyed at all costs? Is it possible that our resistance to authority could be rooted merely in pride? Direct revelations from above must be quite rare, so how can we tell if God is really prompting us?
15th April. Wednesday of Week 2 of Easter
A religion of sincerity and truth
Peter and John are caught in a conflict that involves the high priest and the entire Sanhedrin besides the temple guards. The apostles are imprisoned, and God sends angels to intervene. This same struggle is echoed at universal level in John’s gospel about God’s sending his only son as the light of this world. Light and darkness clash, leading to a judgment for the world. After being freed by an angel, Peter and John are again in the temple courtyard, preaching to an enthusiastic audience. They seem to ignore their recent escape
14th April. Tuesday of the 2nd Week of Easter
Guided by the light
We can notice a stretch in the evenings these days, now that it is bright beyond 7.00 pm. Most of us like the light. We are pleased to know that the daylight is lengthening every day at this time of the year. Our heart sinks a bit in Winter when we see how the days have begun to get shorter. Even though most of us like the light, the gospel notes how people seem to prefer darkness to light.
13th April. Monday of the 2nd Week of Easter
As the wind blows
When and where the Spirit comes, and with what effect on our lives, cannot be determined in advance. “The wind blows where it will… You do not know where it comes from or where it goes.” Hebrew RUACH and Greek PNEUMA mean both wind and spirit. Nor can a previous encounter with the Spirit determine how it will happen next time, for the Spirit comes unexpectedly. In fact, the sudden gift of the Spirit to the unbaptized household of the Roman officer who was non-Jewish and non-Christian, took even Peter by surprise…
12th April. 2nd Sunday of Easter
Unlocking our doors
Most houses are well alarmed nowadays; the computerised alarm has become as basic an item as table and chairs. We also need to have good strong locks; long gone, at least in the cities and towns, are the days when you could just leave the key in the door, and allow neighbours to casually ramble in for a chat and a cup of tea. We are more fearful about our security than we used to be, and this fear and anxiety has led us to take more precautions to protect ourselves. Fear of what others can do…
11th April. Easter Saturday
Overcoming obstacles to faith
The Sanhedrin, Judaism’s supreme ruling body, found it impossible to imagine that Jesus could be the Messiah, and that he had really risen from the dead. To believe in him would demand a major change in the whole furniture of their belief-system; nothing less than a total reinterpretation of their Scripture and cherished traditions. Yet these two Galilean fishermen, Peter and John, stood there, insisting that
10th April. Easter Friday
Building upon the grace of God
The apostles went back to where they started, to Galilee, where they continued their work as fishermen. But their lives had been transformed by their contact with Jesus, and when they met him by the lake-shore, they recognised him, hauled in the net at his advice, and heard his guidance for their future, building on the past.
9th April. Easter Thursday
Hard to take in
Luke’s account in today’s gospel shows the great difficulty the disciples had believing that it was the same Jesus they had come to know and love who was now standing before them. They thought they were seeing a ghost and their joy was so great that they could not believe it, and they stood dumbfounded. Clearly it took the disciples a while to take in the good news of Easter…
8th April. Easter Wednesday
Life-changing encounter
The Emmaus story is a living paradigm for Christian discipleship. It strongly suggests that if we travel life’s journey with others, sharing our faith and our doubts with them, Christ will be with us, opening our minds to the truth. Just as he gave them deeper insight, so he does for all who listen to him…
7th April. Easter Tuesday
Coming to recognise the Lord
A fascinating side of the Easter stories is how they convey a sense of gradual recognition of the risen Jesus, by his closest friends and followers. John’s vivid portrayal of Mary Magdalene challenging the gardener to hand back the body of Jesus conveys some sense of their stupor and confusion. At first, all they hoped for was to be able to show honour to his mortal remains. But when he calls Mary by her name
6th April. Easter Monday
Different understandings of the resurrection
Our New Testament writers attempt in varied ways to describe the miracle and mystery of our Lord’s dying and rising. As Peter’s sermon at Pentecost was addressed to Jews from different countries but all sharing a Jewish identity, he sets Jesus within the framework of Jewish history…
5th April. Easter Sunday
On Easter morning, the stone was rolled away from the mouth of the tomb. Could I think of my heart as a tomb awaiting a resurrection? Can I identify anything akin to a stone that is holding me back from enjoying the fullness of life? It could be an addiction, a compulsion or some hidden and dark secret that I have never shared with anyone. We can be as sick as our secrets. But as pope Francis declares, “We are called to be people of joyful hope, not doomsday prophets!”
4th April. Holy Saturday
Evocative signs
This is our Passover, the night of nights and the feast of feasts. Let us celebrate and rejoice, therefore! To help our feelings catch up with our convictions, on this holy night we use fire and darkness and water, readings and songs to mark and to evoke the great events of our salvation. We bring to the feast whatever is “dark” in our own lives, whatever is in need of light and healing…
3rd April. Good Friday
Calvary sets in consoling relief the experience of all who suffer – whether the nightmare of physical pain or the emotional trauma of significant loss or the prospect of imminent death. The human Jesus, struggling to come to terms with the reality of his predicament, echoes every human experience of suffering and of loss…
2nd April. Holy Thursday
St John implies that we are united with Jesus by letting him wash our feet, accepting his great act of loving service. Having accepted the gift we must embrace it as a value to practice in our lives. What Jesus does for us in his Passion shows us how to live. In some real sense, we must live like Jesus, “for” God and others…
1st of April. Wednesday in Holy Week
The motives of Judas
This is “Spy Wednesday”, so called from the betrayal of Jesus by Judas, one of his own chose inner circle of Twelve. Poor Judas was doubtless talented, probably very astute, and had in his youth some spark of idealism; and yet when it came to the test he proved treacherous, unreliable, profoundly untrustworthy. The Gospels offer a few clues…
31st March. Tuesday in Holy Week
Contrasting responses to Jesus
Today’s gospel portrays very different responses to Jesus on the part of his disciples as he enters into the final days of his earthly life. The disciple Jesus loved is described as “reclining next to Jesus’, literally, “close to the heart of Jesus.” In the very first chapter of his gospel, the evangelist described Jesus as “close to the heart of the Father”..
30th March. Monday in Holy Week
In memory of her
The impulsive, loving gesture done for Jesus by his close friend Mary of Bethany, is so inspirational that it’s a wonder the Church has not made more of it in our liturgy. Mary may not yet have seen Jesus in the full light of prophecy, as “a covenant to the people, a light to the nations, to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners who sit in darkness” (1st Reading), or indeed as the world’s only Saviour, but she knew and loved him as a man of God, a fearless preacher…