6th March. Friday in 2nd Week of Lent

Providence at work.. The story of Jacob’s sons is told in detail (Gen 37-50) to conclude the book of Genesis. It has one overriding motif found at the end in Joseph’s words to his brothers: “Even though you meant harm to me, God meant it for good, to achieve his purpose, the survival of many ” (50:19-20). Mysteriously yet powerfully God can bring a convoluted, mixed-up and even misguided life to a positive end..

5th March. Thursday in 2nd Week of Lent

In spite of appearances Jeremiah was bearing fruit, and Lazarus kept his integrity even though sitting with dogs and begging for crumbs at Dives’ door! Destitution can destroy one’s confidence and self-respect, but in principle it can and does coexist with inner peace and strength. The beggar can be nearer to God than the banker, the cardinal, the CEO or the government minister…

2nd March. Monday in 2nd Week of Lent

Confessing to God: This public confession on the part of the people of Israel is one that we, the church, can make our own. We know that we too have failed, as individuals and as a community. Yet, it is to such individuals and to such a community that the Lord issues the invitation in today’s gospel, “Be compassionate as your Father is compassionate.” Jesus is calling on us to be nothing less than God-like…

1st March. Second Sunday of Lent

What must be cast aside? The story of Abraham and Isaac is full of high drama. The demand that Isaac be sacrificed seemed to utterly contradict God’s promise that the boy would pass on Abraham’s line into the distant future. It was a radical trial of faith, and no greater test of obedience could be set. Abraham’s heart was pierced by the boy’s innocent question, “Where is the lamb for the burnt offering?..

27th February. Friday of the 1st Week of Lent

Autonomy and Responsibility.
Ezekiel calls us to persevere in doing good across a lifetime. In Matthew’s gospel Jesus roots the discernment of good and evil in the depths of the human heart. We must do more than keep a set of rules, stopping short of murdering others; we must aim to be at peace with them and not harbour anger or resentment. Jesus names the objects of our patience and kindness: they are our brother and our sister.

25th February. Wednesday of Week 1 of Lent

Exemplary Ninive.
How marvellous that the once pagan city of Nineveh can come to believe in God, proclaim a fast, pray for forgiveness, to become a model of goodness for all the rest of us! Hope can come from unsuspected quarters! Jonah adds that when God saw the repentance of Nineveh, he “repented of the evil he had threatened to do to them.” If God can change his mind, how can we be rigid in condemning others?

24th February. Tuesday of the 1st Week of Lent

Jesus on prayer.
The gospels often portray Jesus at prayer, sometimes even suggesting the content of his prayer. But only once is Jesus presented as teaching his disciples a prayer for them to pray, and that prayer has become known to us as the Lord’s Prayer. It has had a privileged place within the Christian tradition because it is the only prayer Jesus explicitly taught us to pray…