13 Sept, Tuesday of Week 24

1 Tim 3:1ff. The qualities of bishop, deacon and deaconess – hospitable, respected, truthful, good managers.

Lk 7:11ff. Jesus raises to life the dead son of a widow at Naim. The people respond with awe.

Variety of Christian Tasks

If we read today’s scriptural selection in reverse, beginning with the Gospel, and then First Timothy, we detect stages of development in church leadership. In the Gospel, at the sight of

09 Sept, Friday of Week 23

Respecting Others’ Gifts

The readings centre mostly on leadership but their application reaches out to all human relationships. Very positively too we are asked to interact with one another, not so much as superior to inferior but as recognizing the unique gift of each person. It is because of diversity of strength and grace that problems arise and helpful direction is necessary.

09 Sept, Friday of Week 23

Respecting Others’ Gifts

The readings centre mostly on leadership but their application reaches out to all human relationships. Very positively too we are asked to interact with one another, not so much as superior to inferior but as recognizing the unique gift of each person. It is because of diversity of strength and grace that problems arise and helpful direction is necessary.

08 Sept, Thursday, The Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary

A grace-filled birth

It is not certain exactly when or where Our Lady was born; but it was most likely about sixteen years before the birth of Jesus, and in Nazareth, where St Luke’s Gospel locates her, as she received God’s message from the angel. It was only after the Council of Ephesus in 431 – when Mary was designated as “Theotokos” (“Mother of God”) – that devotion to her spread far and wide in the Western Church. But well before that time, the exceptional circumstances of her birth were remembered and celebrated among the Christians of Palestine.

04 Sept, Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time


We may have a moral obligation to correct blatant wrongdoing, whether in the family, the workplace or the wider society. But it is incumbent on parents, and all who have others in their care, to administer such correction with love and respect. The old dictum, that one should “hate the sin but love the sinner” is a good guideline in many situations, as is St Paul’s principle: “Owe no one anything, except to love one another.”