28th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Liturgy Preparation
One of the readings at Mass today gives a vision of the feast in heaven, when death is no more and tears are a thing of the past. Those who gather to worship God this Sunday get a fore-taste of that heavenly meal in the sweet Communion they share on earth…
09 Oct, Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
It is not all our own work, as Paul reminds us. It is the grace of God that prompts us to a worthy life..
08 Oct. Saturday of the 27th Week
The Sword of the Word
07 Oct. Friday of the 27th Week
Finger of God
06 Oct. Thursday of the 27th Week
Power of Perseverance
05 Oct. Wednesday of the 27th Week
Who Can Be Saved?
If the Kingdom of God is to extend throughout the universe, the qualities of faith, patience, and trust in God must be stressed. But externals are also necessary, to manifest this inner life. Where there is no breath nor pulse, a
04 Oct. Tuesday of the 27th Week
How Much Activity?
While good intentions can drive one to overactivity and even to misguided zeal, the Scriptures defend human activity and good works as essential to salvation. For interpreting today’s scripture readings we must keep in…
03 Oct. Monday of the 27th Week
Divine Reversals
Today’s texts deal with divine reversals. Sometimes we may resemble Jonah who attempted to use the sea to flee away from the God of earth and sea. But God has wonderful ways of bringing us back to our senses,
2 Oct, Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
The church is the choice vineyard of the Lord, planted for a noble and productive purpose. We pray that our lives may never be soured by bitterness or disillusionment.
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Liturgy preparation
There are reassuring words in God’s Word this Sunday, with Paul reminding believers that there is no need to worry (see Philippians 4:6-9). As they gather for worship, they hope that if there is anything they need, they can pray for it and God’s peace will be theirs.
01 Oct, Saturday of Week 26
Rejoicing in the Spirit
The secret stirring of the heart comes marvellously to the surface in Jesus’ prayerful rejoicing in the Holy Spirit, “what you have hidden from the learned and the clever, you have revealed to the merest children.”